Tomato and pepper seed starting indoors part 1

This is part one of my first youtube video sharing some of the tomato and peppers that I have started for the 2011 garden. Some of the peppers are hybrids. I…
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Question by DishclothDiaries: Can tomatoes be grown in containers indoors?
I miss my big beefsteak tomatoes fresh from the garden. I’d really like to grow some this summer. I know I will need to be starting them soon if I’m going to get a good crop. The problem is I live in an apartment without a balcony so they must be grown inside, although I do have a nice sunny window where I can place them. Has anyone grown tomatoes in a container indoors? Will a commercial potting soil (like from walmart) alter the flavor?

Best answer:

Answer by saaanen
No. You will never have enough sun. Do you have a friend who will help?

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Trust in the Lord JESUS CHRIST with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trust JESUS CHRIST, make Him the Lord of your life !

  2. Home Depot sells ones for like $14 in my area, has a dual bulb housing and is already assembled.. I forget the brand it was some strange off brand name. You still have the buy the bulbs though so it will be more around $20 total.

  3. Where can i get the light fixture for $10?

  4. @Stanley Smith o

  5. oo

  6. Great video, Doc Stephen. Very informative. I am seeding my jiffy pods now. Box Car Willie’s and Abe Lincoln Heirloom tomatoes. I am seeding curly kale and lacinto kale in another jiffy tray. I will look into to ordering the super plugs. Thanks.

  7. Wow, you are far more advance than I am . I have not been very successful at transferring or growing from seed. I grew 7 out of 40 but then when I transplanted they died. They were only an inch when I transplanted into my raised bed. I am in Southern California near Redlands.

  8. I have a salsa garden currently germinating, i have a heat pad underneath my seed starting tray, but my tomatoes already sprouted, my plan was to put the light on the seed starting tray, i have no room to transplant them into different containers…any ideas? can i just elave the tomatoes in there till everything else germs?

  9. Is there a difference between a grow light a what you said you use a florescent?

  10. great first video mate!! I’m germinating my tomatoes and peps today infact! =D

  11. good vids congrats sub’d you.


  12. Maybe u should aim the camera down…lol

  13. So u just use a reg. bulb..

  14. Great vid with lots of depth. I really enjoyed it. +sub 😀

  15. how to breed or cross plant.seed or plant do you need

  16. I’m selling ghost chili seeds for you to grow and pods, go to tal_baker2012 on eBay, or give me a message if You’re interested :) these are the hottest peppers in the world :) thanks

  17. how long did you wait for the seeds to sprout?

  18. humm I never saw a “blue” tomato. How did those turn out? taste? Would you recommend it to someone with not a lot of space? Thanks

  19. ▼▼どなたかに見て頂ける事を祈っております。ここに書くのもどうかと思いましたが、あまり時間が残されていないのでお許し下さい…。宝クジの当選金200000000円の使い道をどうしたらいいのかと悩んでいます。寄付はしましたし、既に数名の方にも100万単位でお譲りさせて頂いております。現在残っている残金は全てお譲り可能です。受け取りたい方はご連絡下さい。YOUTUBEですと規約違反となり連絡が途絶えてしまいます。そこで制限が無いブログサイトを見付けましたので受け取りたい方はそちらからご連絡下さい。本日お譲りする事もできるので気軽に仰って下さい。ブログ→ /

  20. You grow some nice stuff, and I am going to plant some Muscadines here in Calif. but then I will send them back to Tennessee and eventually plant them on my land. Thx for some ideas!

  21. Hi Stephen, just wondering if you grow your peppers and tomatoes with your own seeds (extracted from peppers and tomatoes) or do you buy them from the shop? Thank you

  22. smurf balls!lol

  23. holy shit your voice is deep

  24. hi stephen….your first video is a million times better than mine…just check it out and you’ll see…anyhow….my only problem with using lights, fluorescent lights mind you, is that i have the most wonderful neighbors, and i am pretty sure they would call the sheriffs to find out what i am growing…so i guess i would have to do it outside when the temperature gets warm outside…i like that you have alot of information in your vid…thanks

  25. I have 2 starter trays like you showed.I had the same problem with the seedlings having extra long stems and tiny leaves.I have found that if you throw them in the sun as soon as possible and remove the cover they thank you for it almost instantly.the top is only gods for the first days of germination in my opinion.nice plants though.

  26. I have grown cherry tomatoes and roma tomatoes in a window, but i should add that it was a bay window, so the light was very good. tomatoes need at least 8 hours per day of direct sunlight, if your window can provide that, then give it a try. they probably will not grow as large or vigorous as an outdoor tomato nor will they produce as abundant a crop, but you will still get enough to make it worthwhile. I think youd do better to stick with a smaller growing variety, a bush variety would be better in a window than the vining types. potting soil will work fine as long as you fertilize with a tomato fertilizer. PS: if you can collect rainwater to use for irrigating them, they will do much better.

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