Tomato Chutney Recipe

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Question by Kay S: can u plant the seeds from fresh veggies?
like green beans +tomatoes+peppers is there anything special u need to do like freeze the seeds or anything?

Best answer:

Answer by Texperson
You have to dry them out. And if any of the veggies come from hybrid plants, their seeds will not produce the exact same plant, you never know exactly what a hybrid plant seed will produce.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Looks good to me, I love tomato chutney! :)

  2. Gross and stupid.

  3. Yes, you can. Also, you do not have to dry the seeds unless you are storing them. Other than that texasperson gave an excellent answer.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  4. Yes you can and this specialist website should be of help to you.

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