Tomato + Fresh Lime Juice

Sub out balsamic for fresh lime juice as you make the most of seasonal sweet tomatoes.
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Question by rebinnyc: Where can you buy good tomatoes in New York City in the winter?
I hate the pitiful excuses for tomatoes that I find during the winter here in New YOrk City. Many recipes call for fresh tomatoes rather than canned. I have spent a fortune on those small, beautiful, but tasteless tomatoes still on the vine that are sold everywhere but the skin is thick as leather and they have no flavor. Any help appreciated!

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Answer by Yancas
Chinatown, check it.

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1 Comment

  1. I had this same problem when i moved to New York from San Francisco. Sometimes the small cherry organic tomatoes actually have the best flavor — the orange ones from mexico can be very sweet. I found that organic canned whole tomatoes with low sodium or very high-end Italian imported canned whole tomatoes made good substitutes for fresh in most recipes. Also, to perk up bland tomatoes sometimes I chop the tomatoes, lightly salt pepper them, sprinkle with a little sugar, heat a couple tablespoons of oil in a saute pan smoking hot, and toss the chopped tomatoes in the very hot oil purosely lighting the oil on fire (keep fire extinguisher handy) and quickly toss tomatoes once then pour into a bowl. This is an old restaurant trick for adding a sweet fire roasted taste to the tomatoes.

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