Tomato Gardening : How to Grow Hybrid Tomatoes

Hybrid tomatoes grow the same way as basically everything else in your garden. Grow hybrid tomatoes with help from the owner and operator of a small organic …
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Question by Erick: How much to charge for tomato plants?
I am growing saved tomato seeds, I have Cherokee, dehybridized Lemon Boy, a variety unknown I have saved 3 generations from a found volunteer thats a delicious Pink variety (I call it Lyla) and Orange Amana. I have them sprouted nd will have them planted in styro coffee cups and will be advertizing them on CL when they are 8 weeks old. How much should I charge for these. Also I have blue pumpkins (Jarrahdale) that I was gonna offer with 2 vines per cup. Any ideas? This money is going to go to my garden fund as Im not working.

Best answer:

Answer by Texperson
If they are organic heirlooms, try $ 5. If not probably $ 3. People these days are very interested in organic heirloom veggies. If you don’t get enuf replies, go to $ 4. Just adjust the price as you see the number of replies you get.

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  1. thanks very much mine actually grew healthy

  2. first figure out how much money you have in them-cost of soil mix, your time at say $ 10 an hour, electric to run lights and heat, cups, fertilizer, light fixtures, etc. Than double that and that is your price.

    $ 2 to $ 3 seems to pretty average in most of the USA

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