Tomato Gardening : The Best Way to Transplant Mature Tomato Plants

Transplanting a mature tomato is something that must be done in a very specific way. Learn about the best way to transplant a mature tomato with help from th…

Question by Rob: Are there any homemade recipes for making a bug repellent for tomato plants?
You know, like certain house-hold things you can mix and use to repell bugs from tomato plants, without having to spray some store-bought bizarro-chemical spray. Just curious.

Best answer:

Answer by dawgbite
many natural insecticides just look them up on yahoo as “natural insecticides”

Add your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Plants Articles


  1. thank you for the tips; I will make sure for next ime… I probably lost mine this morning, unfortunately I didn’t look it up this morning… but I planted my plants too close together this spring… beginners mistake! thank you for the great tips

  2. Your friends are right. He just doesn’t seem interested. Maybe in time he will know what he wants. Give him space.

  3. try dousing them w/ vinegar water, don’t put too much though!

  4. check out He has lots of Natural recipes for pests of all kinds…

  5. I have always planted marigolds between my tomato plants..The bugs do not like the smell..Also try taking a styroform cup, taking out the bottom and planting your tomato plants in them..As the plant grows, the base of the cup will prevent bugs from crawling up the stalks of your plants..

  6. this is what I always used for aphids and other small insects. Get a spray bottle (32oz works good),add about 5-6 drops of dish detergent (liquid), 2-3 capfulls of mouthwash(like listerine),then fill the rest of bottle with water. Mix gently. For tomatoes spray early in the morning be sure to spray both sides of leaves. Its very inexpensive to make and works great and its natural so you dont have to worry about pets or children !!

  7. Marigolds is a great idea for little pests.

    For nasty tomato worms, try planing sweet basil in with your tomatos. I start doing this several years back and have yet to see an ugly horned tomato worm in my garden since. It works like a charm. Plus, this way you have basil for a tomato salad. Mmmmm!!!

  8. You can try using a hot pepper spray. Mix Tobasco with water and spray the plant. Bugs will avoid it like the plague.

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