Tomato Gazpacho Recipe

NYC chef extraordinaire Sean Coyne dishes out the secret to simplest and greatest cold soup – Spanish Gazpacho. directed by Aleksandar Nedeljkovic.


  1. I can’t decide what is better: the hot chef or the amazing quality of the
    video. If the chef loved me though, he would have skipped the peppers. :)

  2. LOL GET A LID! regardless. great video

  3. Lidless Gazpacho

  4. I have pain issues and cannot tolerate anything from the nightshade family,
    such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant and zucchini. I live in
    France and have no gadgets. I would have to grate this by hand, I suppose,
    and though gluten intolerant could limit the stale bread. The French really
    detest this kind of dish, especially cold soups, but I am American and
    stubborn. Uprated.

  5. Great video and your gazpacho look delicious

  6. @mokienatrix I guess I could! My stingy French spouse just finally got me
    the blender I have been asking for for nearly 20 years. We have no gadgets
    here, no TV, and so on. It seems to be a juicer and food processor, too. I
    love the French and yet totally hate them. I think I am some kind of expert
    at this point. What is very weird is that I feel so at home with them now,
    for me they are normal and Americans are weird! You can’t go home again! xo

  7. How do you not have a lid…?

  8. ¬ ¬ to be an important chef, using ingredients of a rather poor quality. As
    Americans always do the Spanish recipes as they please

  9. @InfantaElena1 But that way you loose lots of vitamins and minerals found
    in fresh tomatoes. The fact of being a canned juice takes away lots of the
    principle which is to use raw fresh ingredients to absorb its freshness.

  10. It´s always better if tomatoes are ripes.Great job indeed.Regards from

  11. @slobomotion White gazpacho is almond-based. Make a bowl and fling it at
    the French in defiance.

  12. Nice work, we liked your video very much so we embedded it on ChefCommons
    w/ link back and reference to Youtube. (Let us know if you don’t wish for
    it to be featured)

  13. pop them in your mouth mmmmm

  14. ❝Yummy❢ ❞ Nicely done video!

  15. I never put my gazpacho in the blender. I use canned tomato juice and just
    chop the vegetables for chunky soup. My family and I like it better that

  16. thats not how u make gazpacho

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