Tomato Growing 2010 (5) – Final Potting and Planting Out

Tomato Growing 2010 (5) - Final Potting and Planting Out

It is now warm enough to transfer the plants to their final pots or plant them in the garden.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Question by Anonymous: Can tomato plants grow in 6 inches of soil?
The only sunny spot in the yard was previously landscaped with river rocks. It would be out of the question to dig up and move all these rocks so I’m putting dirt and topsoil on top of the rocks. I plan to water the plants nearly every day and provide sufficient fertilizer. If tomato plants are grown in 6″ of soil, will the roots spread out horizontally? How big could the plants get with this amount of soil?

Best answer:

Answer by java gurl
I would try this:

I heard it works really well.

What do you think? Answer below!

More Tomato Planting Articles


  1. Cool,

  2. i don’t suggest this method of planting – too many things can go wrong.
    even with watering everyday your plants are gonna get wilted on a hot day. everytime the plant gets wilty yr adding stress thus affecting its growing cycle.
    i would either clear an area to make a small veggie bed (be sure to take out the weed liner under the rocks if there is one) or use containers to put the tomatoes in, then put these on top of the rock.
    good luck

  3. Your tomatos should do fine, as long as they get adequate amount of sun and good organic fertilizer. Roots will spread horizontally, 6″ is plenty. Make sure you water them thoroughly every night – never water when the sun is shining on the plants, you can water when they are in the sade though. Good luck!

  4. Actually 6″ won’t do it. Tomatoes are deep rooters and I always suggest digging down a foot or more when preparing a spot for them. I think you should try growing in a container, a tall 5 gallon or larger should do fine. I don’t know where people get the thing about it’s roots spreading, doesn’t happen.

  5. here ya go Birdie…

    note fig. 73…. a five foot spread….

    and as for the question, no…. those will be very unhappy plants…. but…. if you move out some of the rocks where y ou want to plant the tomato, and cut a hole in the fabrick under them, the plant will make it’s own way into the under=soil and do fine with your close attention to water and food…..

  6. They need more than 6 inches of soil, go for a raised bed in that area, add a small fence, about 6 inches to a foot, fill with soil and have a dedicated vegetable garden area.

  7. Hi,
    Have you considered making a hydroponic system which is soil free method and produces great plants very efficiently. Check out the link below and have a look around the blog.

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