Tomato growing more secrets for your success from Justin and ofer

I am meeting Justin to learn more tips about growing tomatoes in the UK, Why growing tomatoes really worth giving it a go. please subscribe ,if you like it p…
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Question by :): How can I keep animals away from my plants?
We have been growing tomatoes inside the house, but recently started growing peppers, and mint, and we are too scared to plant it outside. Once we planted sunflower seeds, the squirrels ate it. What is the best method of preventing this?

Best answer:

Answer by claygal
you have many options, You can use fruit tree netting to cover the young plants. There is a sprinkler device called a ScareCrow which attaches to a garden hose and then squirts the victim when it passes in front of a motion sensor. Works great.You can also build small wire cages using light weight wire window screen.

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1 Comment

  1. I have had good success, sprinkling Red Pepper Powder around the plants that bunnies and deer find appetizing. For this purpose in the garden, I do not buy the high quality kind at the supermarket….I go to CVS and get their brand for about a dollar a bottle. Simply shake it on and around the plants. It should be refreshed after a heavy rain.

    Good luck!

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