Tomato Growing Secrets – building a simple support

Tomato gardening secrets: building a simple support system to keep the tomatoes off the ground. You can find other tomato gardening tips at http://www.beginn…

Question by dolly: Why are my tomato plants wilting?
My mom and I got our tomato plants from the same place, and now all four of our plants are very sad looking. They’re drooping but don’t really seem to have any discoloration. My peppers, pumpkins, watermelons, broccili and cucumber are all doing great, I water every day and they get plenty of sunlight. Any suggestions for me?
They are Early Girl and Jetstar. We don’t live near each other so IF they have something they had to have got it before we bought them.
There are a few small green tomatoes.

Best answer:

Answer by waiting4summer
do you know what the girls name is in disturbia?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Planting Articles


  1. nice

  2. don’t buy any more tomato plants from that place

  3. If there are already tomatoes, the stems are probably bending with the weight. Otherwise, they should be healthy.

  4. You need to fertilize them. The soil is probably not in the best shape…..Go buy some tomatoe fertilizer and water at sunset/evening every day……

  5. The most two common problems with tomatoes is over watering, and poor soil and/or PH. Get a moisture meter probe and only water when they register towards the dry end at root level.

  6. Try “perking” them up with used coffee grounds. Just spread them all the way around your plants and work it lightly into the soil.
    It helps with the PH in the soil and stimulates the growth of the hair roots.

  7. The plants may not have been “hardened off”.
    Give them some shade until the perk back up.

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