Tomato Juice

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Question by Heather Dillehay: are sardines in tomato sauce good for puppies?
we just got two boxer mix puppies and we ran out of puppy food too soon. So my room mate fed them some sardines in tomato juice is that safe for them?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeanne
NO! Keep a close eye on them. they could have some intestinal problems and probably have to go to the vet, get medication & special food for a week or so. That’s gonna cost you a lot more than if you’d just run out & gotten puppy food. Are you sure you’re responsible enough to have pets?

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. NO it not good or safe for puppies. Find the money and go and get the proper puppy food your puppies.

  2. no dogs need dry food for their metabolism it will mess up their digestion

  3. No, not at all. Especially the tomato sauce! It is bad for them.

  4. Just this one time is OK but but stock up on puppy chow. It is just a fish & should not harm them in any way. It is just not a good idea to feed dogs human food, it is not formulated to fit their needs.

  5. pumpkin and i prefer ours in mustard sauce or olive oil. tomato’s give us upset tummies.

  6. They may get an upset stomach from it, but maybe not. If so, you can give them a few tablespoonfuls each of pureed plain canned pumpkin. Give after each loose stool, if your pups get that. Sardines are actually very good for dogs, but might be too much for pups. Here’s an article about it:

  7. it is not only unsafe, but extremely unhealthy… look at the sodium content

    how long ago did this happen?? if just a few hours call a vet to ask how long and what symptoms to watch for!!

    why would you get 2 puppies if you can’t buy enough food? if you run out of puppy food call local animal shelter or aspca, they would probably rather give you some puppy food than have your neighbors calling in dog abuse reports!

    buy dog food first and if there is any money left then buy sardines or whatever you eat!!

  8. holy christ where are you living so I can rescue these 2 poor puppies?

    Poor things, being in the hands of 2 complete morons is not what these 2 pups bargained for.

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