Tomato Juice “Apple Juice”


Question by Sandy: Which one of the following factors contributes to hypertension?
A. A vigorous exercise regimen
C. A diet that lacks protein

B. A lack of sleep
D. A high-fat diet

Which one of the following choices is the best option for a vegan snack?

A. Vanilla soymilk, peanut butter, and pretzels
B. Almond milk with butter cookies
C. Chocolate soymilk with angel food cake
D. Tomato juice and macaroni and cheese

Best answer:

Answer by Joe H
a and none…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. D. A high-fat diet
    A Vanilla soymilk, peanut butter, and pretzels

  2. B and D a toss up.
    In moderation, B for vegans. Cut out the butter cookies, instead substitute it with Oat meal cookies.

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