Tomato juice challenge #2

Another tries the tomato juice challenge.

Question by Capoeira: i need help getting food substance off of my wall?
i got tomato juice splattered all over the dry wall, is this going to be an easy/difficult fix? how can i remove it? i have guests coming over soon

Best answer:

Answer by OH NO
You can use a mutli purpose cleaner or you can use the Mr. Clean magic erasers.

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  1. not enough information. is the drywall painted? Is it in the kitchen? Is it a flat, non-gloss paint? Better yet, you can’t clean special-finish painted walls. You also can’t clean unpainted drywall. You can clean walls painted with water-based latex paint very gently, as you do not want to scrub off the paint. Should the wall be painted in an oil-based paint, go right ahead and clean it, because that paint doesn’t bond with water. If the stains don’t come out of the wall, you WILL have to paint over them. Since the “Mr. Clean Magic Eraser” doesn’t work on all walls/paints, and is not available to everyone, let’s just assume the worst. Plus, in my experience, the “Mr. Clean Magic Eraser” is not all that effective, and would likely not remove tomato stains.

  2. use some Pine Sol and water on a sponge this should work

  3. A sponge and warm soapy water, don’t scrub to hard it may ruin the wall.

  4. Try the Mr Clean Eraser Sponge. It gets crayon and grease off the walls too.

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