Tomato juice challenge

Tomato drink fail.

Question by AshleyD: Can I use tomato soup in replace of tomato juice?
I have a pot roast recipe that calls for 1/2 cup tomato juice – could I use tomato soup instead? Thinned out…?

Best answer:

Answer by Bre L
Yeahh you can. It taste the same. :]]

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Yea, I don’t think you have to thin it either.

  2. yeah, definetly thin it out.

  3. Yes, dilute the soup according to the directions on the can (no need to cook it) and use the same amount that the recipe calls for tomato juice

  4. Yes, just remember tomato soup is concentrated, so you have to add a can of water just to get soup. You could also use tomato sauce in the little cans, or tomato paste, same deal. Hope this helps, very creative of you! :)

  5. Yes. Is there any other liquid in the recipe? If so, I wouldn’t even worry about thinning it. Since you are not going to use the full can, sometimes I put things like that in an ice cube tray, cover it, and freeze. The next time this happens, just plop in a cube of the tomato. I do this with pesto and broths, too.

  6. Actually it would be way awesome !!!!

  7. use the juice my friend. think of it like this. would you add a carton of cream if the recipe called for whipped cream? its all about consistency. juice will cook off and add flavor, the soup will just sit there, like red meat in ur stew.

    think of spaghetti. would u add sauce or juice? > hope i could help. :)
    happy cooking!

  8. yeah you can

  9. Tinned tomato soups taste nothing like tomato juice and you may find the taste very sweet. soups in tins are very high in sugar. It would be much better to follow the recipe.

  10. yes, you can substitute tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato paste or spaghetti sauce if you wish.

    must thin all of the above to tomato juice consistancy, but it will work. Tomato soup and spaghetti sauce will have the herbs and spices in them already, so consider that when filling your pot. I would use about half the amount of seasonings called for and no salt.

  11. Or if you have some tomato puree thinned out with water :-) ( tomato puree is one of the highest sources of Lycopene which helps to ward off cancer :-)

  12. Yes you can just thin it out.

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