Tomato Khatta- Andhra Recipes – Telugu Vantalu

Exhaustive recipe text in English together with additional Tips are available on Thi…
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Question by Virginia H: Can you use canned tomatoes to make “canned” salsa?
Is it possible/safe to use canned tomatoes in lieu of fresh tomatoes in a recipe for salsa canning?

Best answer:

Answer by jenniferaboston
You can. Use the diced tomatoes and make sure you drain them thoroughly first.

Let us know how it turns out!!

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  1. yes it is a Odia recipe

  2. It is an Oriya recipe.

  3. Absolutely deliciious!!  Thx.

  4. Yes you can. It is delicious!

  5. Everything is better fresh… but I suppose you “can” … it’s ok to try it out and see what happens! If it doesn’t work, then you will know not to do that again!

  6. Yup – I do every year.

  7. Yes, but decrease the salt in the recipe or use unsalted tomatoes. Also drain them well before adding them to the recipe.

  8. Ok, so you just substitute the fresh tomatoes for canned tomatoes? Is there a recipe?

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