Tomato Plants Are Tough! Surviving Grubs and a Transplant!

Will the tomato plant survive? Grubs eating on the roots. Transplanting large tomato plant after washing its roots off with water. Heirloom tomato plants sho…

Question by G!N: why do my tomato plants have black spots on the bottom of my tomatoes?
i have a garden in my back yeard with tomato plants..the bottoms of some of the tomatoes are gettin black spots..i was wondering what could cause this…too much water…not enough water…lack of calcium?? or sumthing else.. and what can i do 2 solve this problem?

Best answer:

Answer by Freedom
Your tomatoes are experiencing a condition called blossom-end rot. Blossom-end rot is caused by either a lack of calcium in the soil or the plant’s inability to draw calcium from the soil due to stress. It can also be caused by inconsistent watering.
Try adding some epsom salts to the soil and water more consistently…mornings are best.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Thank you fir the great advice. Just got bigger pots for my tomato pant and starting to transplant them now.

  2. Those are all great ideas. Thanks.

  3. tomatoes are great to grow because of their hardiness and ease in growing them. They can most times repair themselves and anywhere that there are little hairs they can root. So when you put that plant deeper like that, it most likely developed a better root system as well. You can also take cuttings from tomatoes, stick them in the dirt and get a whole new plant. I love growing tomatoes :)

  4. I’m not sure about termites. I sometimes see fire ants crawling over my pepper plants. Usually the fire ants don’t do enough damage to stop the plant from being productive. Good luck with that.

  5. Hi… If the flower is pollinated, like when a bee visits the flower, then a fruit will grow behind the flower. This is true for most flowering plants. If the flower dries up and you don’t see any fruit, you might not have any pollinators, like bees, visiting your garden. Poisons like pesticides kill bees. Bees are our friends.

  6. oh and can wood termites eat roots? to becaus my pepper plant was eat by somethin and i saw lots of termites.

  7. good video man so when the tomato flower die the tomato comes out? becues my tomato plant flower are died but i not seen noting yet =/

  8. yep

  9. I agree with the above answer but I use bone meal spread around the base of the plant. I also mix all my egg shells from the eggs that I have eaten into my compost pile, and then mix that into the soil when I start my garden at the beginning of the season.

    At the beginning of the year I do a soil test with a kit I buy from the garden center to make sure my soil is acid enough for what I am growing. Too high of a PH can keep the plants from absorbing the various minerals they need from the soil.

  10. I agree with the other two answers you can buy a spray for blossom end rot that should help also Good Luck

  11. It sounds like Early Tomato blight on your plants which can be treated by applying an all-purpose tomato dust.

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