Tomato plants growing to fast

Tomato plants growing to fast

tomato plants.

Question by The Rightwing Conservative: Why did Hussein Obama start his campaign in Bill Ayers’ living room?
And furthermore, why did Hussein Obama start his car in Bill Ayers’ garage?

Why did Hussein Obama start growing tomato plants in Bill Ayers’ garden?

And why did Hussein Obama sign the START Treaty in Bill Ayers’ fallout shelter?

Best answer:

Answer by The Resistance
They’re both pieces of crap. Ayers should be in prison.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I had a monster jungle of that stuff last year. what kind are they?

  2. 1. the couch was comfortable.
    2. it was parked there.
    3. he was being neighborly
    4. that’s where the pens were.

  3. Because they were good buddies

  4. Because they are both radical communists.

  5. Institute of Cognitive Science found that Conservatives’ brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of Liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other “primitive” emotions. At the same time, Conservatives’ brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate — the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism

    $ 1.2 million research by National Science Foundation that tracks psychological motives & tendencies of people for a period over 50 years concludes that Conservatism is a mental illness:

  6. Because Obama needed a chair and a car and some tomatoes and some shelter.

  7. His name is President Obama

    You would be upset if I called your savior W.

  8. I guess the bathroom was occupied.

  9. Birds of a feather flock America together

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