Tomato Problems

Oklahoma Gardening’s Kim Rebek is joined by OSU plant pathologist John Damicone about recent issues that have been cropping up with tomatoes plants and how t…
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Question by Mooch: Why is ONE of my tomato plants wilting and turning yellow?
We planted six tomato plants in large pots on our patio in Black Kow. All are doing very well, except for one which has turned completely yellow and has stopped growing…actually it is wilting. We have watered when we needed to, and used Miracle Gro.

What could be up with our one patient?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Ken
I really don’t know but three things come to mind. Too much water (it drowned), not enough water (it dehydrated) or a cut worm ate through the stem. :(

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. unfortunately i live in greece and the summer ends in mid november!! ive been in hawai 3 years ago in honolulu- i think the rest of the island is much better! aloha!!

  2. Then start now. Maybe next season you won’t have the problem. Save your egg shells. I live in Hawaii so Tomatos are year round. Just turn soil over, and start new seedling.

  3. i think is to late in the season for that kind of ferilizing, cause it disolves slow in the ground! i need drastic mesures!!! ha ha ha

  4. It sounds like you need to add more Bone Meal (or Egg Shells) to your soil. I sent you PM of my source information.

  5. well fortunately 2 months ago i didnt have a problem with the extra copper spraying!! 20 days ago the new fruit start to grow and 90% have blossom end rot!! i have sprayed 2 times with calcium oxide and the problem is still there but now its 50 %!! its devistating cause i have 200 plants of san marzano and august is in the corner and i havent harvest enough yet! and yes i try to be organic as possible for my tomatoes!!

  6. Or just grow ones that are picky then go from there. It’s all downhill from there and easy stuff. You learn more that way.

  7. Probably not. Tomato isnt heavily GMO’ed YET. They are working one that grows in colder climates.

  8. Was it organic?

  9. yes, flush the soil an wash off the plants! i always spray a solution with water an baking soda 1tbsp/1gal an spray down the plants. PH is so important i cant say it enough! all these diseases need a low PH to survive! its as simple as tht

  10. i sprayed my tomato plants with a copper fungicide today.the instructions say 40 ml copper in 10 litres of water but by mistake i mixed 200 ml of copper in 10 litres of water!! could this damage my plants??

  11. Are those GMO plants?

  12. Thanks. I really need to look into growing food that doesn’t behave like a spoiled princess.

  13. grow bush beans/lima beans. they don’t care about anything. just water them, and walk away.

  14. Yeah, mine start to look like I’ve never watered them. Probably watered them too much instead? They are just messing with us.

  15. freaking tomatoes. they don’t like too much sun, not enough, too much water, not enough, not enough calcium. screw tomatoes.

  16. Like you, I’m also a new gardener, I notice that any time I put my tomatoes out doors, the leaves curl up and limp, put them back inside and they,re fine, my neighbour plants cherry’s out side, they’re fine, although mine are beef tomatoes and it makes me think beef like more warmth than cherry’s.

  17. Informative

  18. I agree with you. I’m also a first time home gardener. I’m starting to grow tomatoes. Some of my tomatoes have leaf curl just like the video. I panic like crazy and started to freak out. I thought it was my fault.

  19. The reason for your problems i will explain to you shortly : the water get to the tomatoes plants when the ground is hot, absolutely no water to the plants between 9 AM till 5PM

  20. Thank you for posting. Regi, my eight year daughter, wanted to say thanks. She noticed that we didn’t have any of these tomato issues last year. Here’s hoping we have healthy plants again this year.

  21. Very informative. Thank you.

  22. we need this kind of videos they are really informative and helpful

  23. Excellent videos and very helpful to me!

  24. Well, you could have given it too much food.. or maybe it’s a parasite or bug. Also, i wouldn’t worry too much because the leaves on tomato plants frequently and commonly turn yellow during the growing process. Just continue to treat it like the others, and hopefully it will pull through. I’ve has some of mine do this before, and they ended up still producing. Just maybe skip some of the Miracle Gro a few rounds.. you shouldn’t give your tomatoes too much of this anyways (like maybe once a month).. good luck!

  25. I have grown many tomatoes in my time, and i have seen this problem many times. Unfortunately, what you are describing here sounds like the beginning of blight. Blight is a fungus that affects tomatoes and potatoes and makes them sort of rot and just go manky. If this is blight, then it is likely the other plants will get it too, as it is air-borne. The only way to get rid of it is to burn the infected plants or it can linger in a garden for many years.
    Yet it seems strange that it would only infect one plant, so it is possible that you are suffering from a virus infection in the plants. This is not as bad, yet i wouldn’t put any hope in the infected plant bearing fruit, so i’d get rid of it, again, before it spreads.
    Hope i’ve been of some help. Happy Gardening!

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