Tomato Salad Recipes : Corn & Tomato Salad

Tomato Salad Recipes : Corn & Tomato Salad

Tomatoes and corn are both indigenous to Mexico, so they go really nicely together. Learn about corn and tomato salad with help from a food business owner an…
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Question by Skydog70: How do we reach out to the diehard carnivores, and veggiephobes?
There is a huge sector of the population that will not eat vegetables at all. I used to be one of them, I hated tomatoes and hated salads, so I know. I’ve seen it. They’ll go to a Burger King and order a whopper with nothing on it. They’ll balk when offered a salad, and maybe choose apple sauce or cottage cheese instead.
How to we reach out to them? By being like aliens from another planet and not even touching milk or eggs, even honey or wool?
Even Jesus ate with Tax collectors.
They need to be reached out to the most, if the whole picture is to ever change. Keeping n your own world will only create more of a rift.
What is the point of eating zero meat when it just means more meat for someone else to eat, someone who doesn’t know you and could care less what you think?
In true perspective what you do doesn’t even put a dent in the overall problem of the huge meat and fast food industry, is my point.
Jeez, i mean not even eating honey, a byproduct of plant pollination, (and, no, the bees don’t useall of it), while at the same time the rest of the world gorges out on fast food. Can’t we at least strike a balance, and come out ahead in all camps?
(“Thou hypocrite, you strain out a gnat, yet swallow a camel”)

Best answer:

Answer by axiom
let them be, they’ll regret it sooner or later when they get heart disease

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. ! Yum all up
    There you have it
    Looks good :o)

  2. It just can’t be done. It is like trying to get a smoker to quit smoking. Even lung cancer doesn’t stop some of them.

  3. I don’t really care what other people do, unless I’m dating them in which case I won’t kiss them unless they brush their teeth first if they eat meat. Luckily my boyfriend is vegetarian. I don’t eat meat because it truly disgusts me…the taste, texture, thinking about that chicken running around headless…it’s gross.

  4. Leave them be, although I don’t think they don’t eat no vegetables at all. Many people do not trust others to prepare their vegetables, or if at a take away they may not like the way it tastes.
    I hate KFC’s coleslaw but will make and eat my own, or brands I trust.

  5. I think what is needed is some tolerance, on all sides, the wonderful thing about the human race is it diversity, who is to say which side of the argument is right or wrong. I am a commited carnivore but understand that some people do not like meat, thats ok, when I do cook for them I make allowances and will have something that is different for them, not the usual green salad, I prefer to celebrate their vegetarianism and am always ready to experiment, as soon as one says you should do this or do that, not eat this and not eat that…… I remind them that being a vegetarian is a lifestyle not a religion. It is also about being willing to experiment to find a way in vegetables can be made that is interesting and nutritious and not boring. Is there an answer ???? I wish I knew, we should all glory in the abundance of the harvest and use the creativity we are all born with to enhance our lives, not degrade it into us and them camps… wow rambled a bit…… but thank you for the oppurtunity

  6. Unfortunately, you cannot change people’s ways. You can only be a stunning example of health and happiness. When people are feeling unhealthy and unhappy, they will wonder what they can do… and then they will think of you and maybe try incorporating some of your decisions.

    If they ask, you can cook a dish for them or help by giving tips on how to enjoy veggies.


  7. I feel scared for people who don’t eat vegetables!

    I know a lot of people who, in their later years, have literally finally begun to hate meat, despise it. They’ll still cook it for the family dinner, but end up pushing it around their plates for 10 minutes and end up eating the potatoes instead.

    I think people become veggiephobes because they had bad experience of vegetables in their young years- especially middle aged folk who’s parents used to boil over-salted green veg until it didn’t have a taste anymore and smelt like someone’s gym locker. They get a phobia from their bad memories of being forced to eat overcooked garbage.

    They need to taste vegetarian gourmet food!

    I think kids need to be bought up better. Little kids should not be given lots of salty and sugary foods, the taste becomes addictive. Lets face it, stuff your face with sweets and crisps all day and the last think you’ll want to eat is a green salad. Kids should be wanting to eat a juicy tomato, a big red apple or crunchy carrot sticks instead of reaching for the carbs everytime.

    Parents need to be educated!

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