Tomato Seedlings and Transplants for the New Greenhouse

Here’s a look at how I process my tomato seedlings and get them ready for transplanting. My plan is to have these ready to transplant on or about Christmas D…


  1. If you planted them deeper, and they are doing well…you’re on the right track. Don’t forget to harden them off before you plant them outside.

  2. I’m beginning with growing Tomato plants from seed. After a week or so, I got some that were 3″ tall & leggy, so I planted them deeper into a larger pot. I don’t have growing lights or a greenhouse, but I do have them next to a sunny window. Am I doing it right being I don’t have a growing light, for growing indoors?….Thanks for your help, Kevin.

  3. Just looking at old vids that fit this time of year. I do the NCTomatoman method too. Sure saves time and space. I guess he’s the best there is when it comes to heirloom tomatoes.

  4. Hey Jeff, I don’t have a website. I do have a FB page mhp.gardener … the hoops for the small GH were bent on a homemade jig. I bought a bender for the bends in the emt on the new GH.

  5. Hi,
    Love your videos. I tried to find your webpage but was unable. Can you post a link?
    The question that I really wanted to ask was about your greenhouses. Did you buy ready made hoops or bend your own? How do you connect the hoops to the laterals? Finally, do you have a video about this subject?
    Keep up the good work.

  6. your videos a great

  7. Thank you for teaching me how to transfer my seedlings!

  8. Your video helped me a lot thanks a mill hope you got all the work done

  9. mhp gardener

  10. What’s the name of your page?

  11. I’ve tried this , I prefer Mylar to aluminum foil I even made a grow box with Mylar stapled to the walls and roof I had trouble with humidity levels so I put a exhaust fan, It works great for extending your grow season

  12. Thanks. There’s no problem with sharing the videos on FB, lots of people do. I even decided to have my own FB page. Just started posting on it yesterday.

  13. Start seeds in seed starter mix in 6 packs. Water from the bottom. Put a top the refrigerator with plastic on top to germinate. Once 1 “ tall put under fluorescent or grow lights, keep bulbs 2-4 inches away from plants. Transplant into 4” pots after first true leaves form. Put back under lights, bottom water them. Harden off before putting in garden. More info on facebook Garlic and Veggies page.

  14. Maybe not necessary, we have had some bad springs up here and have had to let tomatoes grow in the 4″ pots until ground was prepped. They were over 2 feet tall when I carried them up to the garden. Have pics of me carrying them up. You need to be careful to support them in the 4″ pots though.

  15. You won’t need as many if you place a reflector made of aluminum foil above them to direct the light towards the plants.

  16. Every 2nd week or so we will add Miracle-Gro to the water. Once they have there first true leaves we transplant them into 4″ pots and continue the process til mid May when we start hardening them off. Then we transplant the 120 tomatoes and 100 peppers into the garden. Good Luck and Good Gardening!

  17. In mid March we start our peppers indoors in 6 packs and place them atop the refrigerator to germinate. Tomatoes we normally start a week later. Once they germinate and get to be about an inch tall, we move them to the garage that is heated to 60 degrees and put them under lights. We use a combination of grow lights, full spectrum and fluorescent lights. We keep the lights 2 to 4 inches above the plants. Once a week we will place each 6 pack in a tray filled with water to bottom water them.

  18. We are in Northeast Ohio and due to the cooler temps have to ‘harden off’ our plants before putting them into the garden mid to late May. To ‘harden off’ plants what we do is set up a table against the north side exterior wall of our house. It will be shaded there and not get sun scald (Which it may never recover from), at first put them out an hour a day, then increase it gradually day by day for 1 week. Then we repeat the process putting them on a picnic table in full sun.

  19. We use a piece of paper towel at the bottom of the container to keep soil from going out the drainage holes. Coffee filter works better but cannot afford that for the many plants we do.

  20. The videos we’ve seen are great! We pretty much agree with all you are doing, Good Job! You obviously enjoy gardening and it shows. Do you mind if we post these links on our website and facebook page?

  21. You can plant tomatoes almost up to the crowns, but take the branches off that are going underground, you’ll have one heck of a root system.

  22. When I want a boat load of maters… I plant Rutgers. They are heavy producers.

  23. Rutgers eh? I think I gots me sum of dem dar seeds – oh well, nothing like another variety for the garden! 😀 P.S. Something on the way to ya fer yer black krims!

  24. I got both of them. Thanks.

  25. Thanks. They made a ton of tomatoes.

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