Tomato slices topped with sweet onion and carrot.

The Flex Cook Show: Episode 1 This delicious appetizer is always a crowd pleaser. Use tomato from off the vine or plum tomatoes. The sweet flavors of onion a…

Question by paper bag: What’s the difference between fruits and vegetables?
Some kids at my school were insisting that tomato is a fruit! They had a whole ‘fight’ But no one really could explain why it’s not or why it is. I’m confused!

Best answer:

Answer by Cass D
i have the same debate

well veggies are kept in the frige and fruit arent

so my guess is tomato is a veggie

hope this helped you

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. interesting….thnx…

  2. well, a vegetable doesn”t have any seeds. but many people say a tomato is a vegetable because it has alot of folate in it. and vegetable has folate.

  3. I stand under correction…but from what i remember…a fruit has pips or seeds inside like a tomato, cucumber, pear, avocado etc while veggies don’t. There might be some exceptions but a tomato is definitely a fruit.

  4. To really figure out if a tomato is a fruit or vegetable, you need to know what makes a fruit a fruit, and a vegetable a vegetable. The big question to ask is, DOES IT HAVE SEEDS?

    If the answer is yes, then technically, you have a FRUIT. This, of course, makes your tomato a fruit. It also makes cucumbers, squash, green beans and walnuts all fruits as well. VEGETABLES such as, radishes, celery, carrots, and lettuce do NOT have seeds (that are part of what we eat) and so they are grouped as vegetables.

  5. A fruit is a plant ovary/womb. The fruit of a plant contain the seeds of a plant. Vegetables are essentially everything else: seeds (peas and beans), stems (asparagus), leaves (lettuce and, spinach), flowers (broccoli and cauliflower), and roots (carrots and potatoes). Nuts are tree seeds. Peanuts are a variety of beans. Peas and beans are vegetables. Peas in the pod are fruit. String beans, the green bean pod and the beans inside, are fruit. Tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, and squash are fruit. Some fruit, however, does not contain real seeds. Few varieties of bananas contain seeds. Strawberries have the seeds on the outside

  6. The main difference between fruit and vegetables is that vegetables do not have seeds while fruits do. : )

  7. Strange as it may seem, a tomato is a fruit. It all comes does to the seeds. If a perceived “vegetable” has seeds, it’s a fruit. This includes cucumbers, squash too.

    We always think it has something to do with the sweetness, but this is not the case. If that were true, a carrot or a sweet potato would be a fruit, but they are not.

  8. fruits are those which you gift on visiting someone’s place

    when u go to your uncle’s place what would you like to gift, tomato or apple

  9. the technichal anser is fruit have seeds but vegtables don’t
    most people just say if its sweat its fruit

  10. In general meaning, fruits are sweet and the vegetables not.

    Vegetables are eaten as a part of regular no-sugar meal, fruits serve as a dessert, just to change the taste.

    The difference may be arbitrary (and not scientific!) and not clear-cut in some cases and may be different in different cultures, but for me tomatos are definitely vegetables! :)

  11. “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”

  12. It’s a berry which is a type of fruit however culturally it’s a vegetable.

  13. Tomatoes are fruit! You may be surprised to know pumpkin is also a fruit. The theory is that if it has seeds, its a fruit. If not, its a vegetable! Hope this helps

  14. fruits are sweet n teasty n they are not use in currys but the tomato is use in any kind of vegetables so it is the big difference between fruits n vegetables

  15. A tomato is a FRUIT!

    fruits have seeds in them and vegetables don’t. That’s the difference other than different climates needed to grow them.

    Most vegetables are grown under ground or on ground if you know what i mean (eg potatoes, cabbage, lettuce etc) whereas, fruit is mainly grown on ‘trees or vines (eg bananas, oranges, tomatoes, grapes etc)

    That is why a tomato is a FRUIT not a vegetable.

  16. well i actually tehre are two different ways to divide them 1) veggies have this spicy taste while fruits have a sweet taste, 2) veggies open up to spread their semen while fruits semen come from the ovary

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