Tomato Soup Song and News

This idiosity was based on earlier, spontaneous, events! Something good always comes about when I make tomato soup… except for this time… New format chan…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by : Is v8 even considerable as a replacement to vegetables?
I am worried about my diet. I can’t stand vegetables, but I know I need them if I want to live long. There are some things I like that resemble vegetables, but I don’t know if they’re good enough: tomato soup, pea soup, vegetable soup, beef stew, ketchup, v8 juice, and lima beans are a few things I like that contain vegetables.

But what I want to know is this: is v8 better than no vegetables at all?

Best answer:

Answer by NicoDAngelo
V8 is only like 5-10% juice
Look for recipes that are delicious online
Try masking your vegetables so you can’t even taste it, and eat the ones you do like raw

Add your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Soup Articles


  1. @z0mbiearms It’s in mah soul, yo!

  2. you’ve been twitterpated! new videos!! im on the edge of my seat!

  3. OK…cool…hooked up on Twitter today. Never heard of Google (where’s the
    plus sign…grrr) Oh, there it is. Google+…I’ll have to check that out.

  4. So my husband saw your video thumbnail on the screen and said he watched
    one of your videos so I showed him your Goat’s Out video. Then I showed him
    this one so he could see your twins and I forgot that you talk about your
    wife saying you couldn’t upload anymore videos until things were in order.
    I could tell my husband was thinking….

  5. @1963impala2dr They’re coming!!! Not right now… but they’re coming.

  6. Bravo! Put that song on iTunes. LOL! B-U-S-V-L-O-G-G-E-R I hope my husband
    doesn’t watch this and get any ideas about restricting uploads until the
    house is in order or I could be in trouble. 😀 😀 It’s a great idea though.

  7. Oh my goodness what an adorable video and your twins are so so so so so
    cute!! =0 I’m oh so intrigued as to what your next 3-4 videos will be!!!

  8. Haha good job getting them started wailin’ on the blues early xD

  9. @TheMomof6boys It sure motivated me! Hope she doesn’t see this comment! ;0)

  10. @TheMomof6boys Ah! That wasn’t the plan!!! Oh well, he’s one of my newer
    subscribers, he might have found it on his own anyway.

  11. @missdieed She’s going to be giving me those looks into her teens!

  12. Thanks… I have no shame!

  13. @angiegal71 I keep meaning to do that! I am on Google+ (James Busvlogger)
    and Twitter though! I will try to get on the fb thing soon.

  14. In your counting of things we’re suppose to go do, you forgot to remind us
    to watch after the out-tro! Also, your daughter is hilarious. I love how
    she just looked at you like your a complete idiot while singing, while your
    son acted like a real baby, happy at his nerdy dad. Lol, she made me laugh
    w/the look on her face!

  15. @kelloggshow Tee hee! That’s part of it, to keep you guessing…hehehe

  16. Where’s busvlogger on Facebook? Can’t find you :(

  17. V8 not only sucks, but is also doesn’t hold a candle to veggies. Man (Woman)- up and eat your veggies. ..or drink them, get a juicer.

  18. I agree. Not only is V8 lacking fiber from whole, real fruits and vegetables, but some of them (from what I saw three years ago) contain corn syrup, and/or high fructose corn syrup (and other forms of junk). For me, nothing replaces, whole, real, delicious real fruits and vegetables.

  19. V-8 is probably better for you than soda, if you can keep it down!

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