Tomato & Sweet Bell Pepper Pollination & Bolting Basil

Tomato & Sweet Bell Pepper are perfect flowers. They pollinate themselves and I have never seen tomatoes cross, even when grown right next to each other. At …
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Question by John: Is there a website where you can list ingredients and it will give you recipes using them?
I am looking for a website where you can type in Sweet peppers, squash, potato, tomato and it will give you a list of recipes using those ingredients. I have tried many cookbook websites but most of them just have a search bar. I am looking for a little more.

Best answer:

Answer by Silent Sunday has that. You’ll see the ingredients option right above the search bar.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. @snooch1975 😉 Marigold is said to help with many problems w/ the body.
    Mostly gardeners use them to help keep pest away. Thanks for watching and
    leaving a comment.

  2. Very good info thank you I am in Mass. our weather sinks it has been
    raining for ten days . Last year I had my garden planted already. I have
    some radish and peas but when I planted them two days latter we had two
    feet of snow, so one third are growing . Sometime I want to give up , you
    give me hope

  3. @msrose312 Thank you so much for your kind words…. never give up hope or
    let set backs stop you. You would cry if you had seen all the work and the
    places I had to leave behind. Starting over is hard. But I will never give
    up working & gardening no matter how many set backs. Keep smilin and keep
    on pluggin! With Warm Regards & Respect, A

  4. why cut the brocolli back?

  5. @cornsnakecrazy21 That is one thing about gardening & mother nature…. you
    may have your plans, but they are the rulers! Rain is good, bless it and be
    happy for it. :) The bean is like any other, needs a trelis of stake to
    climb and lots of warm weather,sun, rich soil. Pick them young and often,
    Middle of the season let your best beans mature on the plant, when they
    start to die pull them by the roots hang to dry. Gourds need to climb, lots
    of sun and water, fairly heavy feeders.

  6. wondeerfull i didnt know you could use marigolds for anything you are
    wealth of information

  7. your going to reap rewards with that garden on how much work you did in so
    little of time much respect and love

  8. I purchased ginger root at a local Indian store & planted it. It likes
    partial shade,rich well drained location. Not sure about your zone but heck
    for a few cents it is worth a shot. Good luck!

  9. @cornsnakecrazy21 I have rare Kale from Seeds of Change, Victory & Baker
    Creek. As soon as you see green cover them. Depending on how long your
    season is will determine how long you can keep covering. About half to 3/4
    way through your growing season stop covering. Let grow to produce flowers.
    After the vines die you collect the potato on a cloudy day or near sun
    down. Potato should never ever see sun light.

  10. This is thee best way to grow a veg. garden.It makes it more exciting
    because you can miss things one day,and discover things in the same spot
    the next day Vs. planting a square garden in one spot. Vegetable and Flower
    gardening is so addictive.Many people ask why we go through all the work
    when you can buy Veg. at a super market,or a produce stand. They just
    simply do not get it. These people are the ones who spend all their time at
    the bar or something.Now that is a waste of time !

  11. Just gorgeous!!! I have four fig trees and none of them have set fruit yet
    but they set late last year so I’m hoping for some at the end of the
    summer. We’re picking our potatoes now. Did a big ol blog on it with
    pictures, so much fun actually digging them up and cooking them right away.
    Love the look of your chard also. Ours didn’t come up so well but we’re
    going to try some different seeds soon and see how they do. Putting ginger
    root on my list of things I want to plant now too. :-)

  12. Yes, all of the broccoli I have grown & the cauliflower produce a second
    head, providing conditions are right. They are smaller than the first and
    much of the time they also have many little heads sprouting from lower
    portion of the stock. If the second heading was to be allowed to flower &
    go to seed I would only use the seeds to eat as spouts. I would never plant
    them to get crop.

  13. To eat it. It is a cool temp lover & if it heads early enough, cut back it
    will sprout more heads. The heat sets in early here in SC, so sometimes I
    can only get one good food harvest. Broccoli raab is much smaller heads
    than reg. broccoli. But if you want seeds you can’t consume. You would just
    let the first head flower & go to seed pods.

  14. @077mrx Great news to hear. What part of the world are you located?
    Thanks,I really do appreciate kind words! Xo, A

  15. @cornsnakecrazy21 I was reading to pick very small and use in stir fry.
    They will be the size of a footbal when they are mature enough to collect
    seed. Pick mature gourd and take indoors. Let stand on counter until you
    see “moldy” type spots showing up. Cut, collect & wash seeds. Place of
    paper plate to let dry in a well ventilated dark some what cool spot.

  16. because those are destined to make smaller plants?

  17. Cool, but they will most likely return to the dominate original variety in
    one or two growing seasons. I have not tested this but the info comes from
    a long time grower. I have only ever had one cross occur in all my years of
    growing tomatoes of different variety side by side.

  18. After every Summer,I throw all my veg scraps all over my gardens for
    compost. Welp….it’s the end of Sept.2012,and I have just discovered that
    I have two tomato plants that cross pollinated.A Brandywine with a San
    Marzano plum tomato. I am definitely going to save the seeds from this tom.
    plant.I never saw a strain like this before.

  19. I couldn’t agree more! Thanks for watching & leaving word.

  20. My squash r blooming. Radish r making. Seed string beans r coming. On
    really nice :) thx love your videos much N

  21. You are a gardening machine! Looks great.

  22. I have a question.I never thought about growing ginger until I saw your
    video.I live in N.E. Pa. miles away from N.E. Phila. Can I grow Ginger in
    my climate ? I never saw ginger plants for sale at my local nurseries.

  23. @LawnsAreDumb Thanks! We had many other fruit trees of all kinds but
    couldn’t bring them from our last place. They had grown to be so big & it
    was the wrong time of year to move them. I had a set of kiwis that grew to
    about 30 ft tall. They are stunning plants. The red ribbed chard is one of
    my favorites to grow & eat. Took a while for the ginger to pop. I think I
    am going to buy more and try it in a few other spots. Mt tea plants just
    started to spout too. Very exciting! Xo, A

  24. @MajorRager76 Ditto. Thanks. I picked so much today. Tonight will be a
    feast! Love to you!

  25. @ceadeses LOL,thanks. My man calls me a machine too. He is 12 years my
    junior. He thought he could work hard until he landed w/me.

  26. Epicurious has an advanced search where you can tick off ingredients:

    Krafts Foods has a three ingredient recipe search on its homepage

    Supercook has one too, you just list the ingredients you have in the search bar.

  27. Recipe Puppy is an ingredient based recipe search engine. Enter your ingredients or try an example search:

  28. is the best in my opinion. It has more recipes than allrecipes and you can customise the search with ingredient or health specifications. For example, you could search for lowfat, chocolate cookies that don’t have dairy. Another example would be potato soup without ham but with parsley. You can also do exactly the search that you suggested or you could search squash, main course recipes that include tomatoes. If you then look at the list and realise that most the recipes have that match those terms also have nuts but you don’t have any you could then narrow the search further by excluding nuts. It’s very handy.

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