Tomato Tree or Apple Tree ? You Make the Call !

I had some extra tomato plants earlier this year, and decided to plant a Big Beef in a raised bed in my greenhouse. I wasn’t expecting anything special from …
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Question by akivi73: Do you know if a good animal/pest repellent?
It’s almost garden time and I’m planning on growing some lettuce this year. However, I’m worried that my local bunnies will think I’m offerring a free buffet. They haven’t done anything the last couple years when I’ve grown tomatoes and peas, but I don’t think those are bunnies’ favorites. I want to know if someone can recommend me a product that is natural and will just deter the bunnies (and any other hungry critters) from eating all my vegetables.

Best answer:

Answer by roseofsharons2002
From “Mother Earth News”,,,,,,Have a beer party at your home. Have the guys “Pee” into a sprinkling can, spread the liquid around the lettuce. The rabbits smell the human scent and stay away. Unfortuntately you have to do it after each rain or watering. Buy alott of beer.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I thought it was pretty cool.

  2. amazing

  3. I planted some fruit trees and berries a couple months ago. Apple, peach, cherry… along with blackberries and blueberries. Fruit trees are much different than vegetables, so I have a lot to learn.

  4. you are so good with vegetables, do you grow your own fruit trees?

  5. Thank you man. If I can help with anything, just holler.

  6. I try to keep the plants to 1 or 2 stems, then prune the lower leaves as it grows taller. Those older leaves at the bottom are not needed as the plants progress.

  7. Love the videos just subscribed.

  8. Would love more info on your pruning methods.

  9. You can have both types with Rutgers, depending on where you got the seeds from. If you see a single growth point that just keeps on going, it’s indeterminate. If the tips terminate and branch off repeatedly, it’s most likely a determinate. It’s ok to prune the indeterminate one, because new clusters will continue to form on the main stem. On a determinate, the side branches are where the fruit will be coming from, so they don’t get pruned, with the exception of the lower leaves at ground level.

  10. Are Rutger tomatoes indeterminate or determinate? I asked the greenhouse I got it from and the owner did not know. I have done research and some sites say that it’s either. I don’t know whether to prune these or not.

  11. I don’t like tomatoes , but man You got a great crop there..amazing ..

  12. I had enough clones for the fall crop in the dutch buckets, about 20 or so. They all fruited well, but nothing got as big as this one. They didn’t have enough time, and I wouldn’t let them. It’s hard to manage a plant that size.

  13. Hi Bobby. Great videos! Thank you. Have you grown a lot of clones from this tree? Did they all grew up this big and fruited so well?

  14. Yes sir, the cucumbers I grow in the greenhouse are done single stem on strings just like I do tomatoes.

  15. Hey Bro Bobby, have you ever tried pruning a cucumber vine/plant the same way to the growth up in a trellis or stringer? I was watching some of your videos and wondering if growing cukes could be dome in a similar way…

  16. Amazing!

  17. Laughing Out Loud

  18. What is LOL?

  19. LOL… good answer !

  20. We can say that this is a tomato tree not tomato plant!

  21. Thanks. I was very surprised myself at how well that plant did.

  22. WOW!

  23. I only grow lettuce in the rail system. The tomatoes are in Dutch buckets. Most times in the greenhouse, I’ll keep the plants to 1 or 2 stems, and just remove the suckers as the plant grows.This one got out of hand and I just let it go.

  24. I have seen your Rail system, Do you keep all suckers picked on the rail system? and on this Big Beef how do you prune on it normally?

  25. Where you are, I reckon you can grow just about anything. Something like the dutch buckets would be very easy to deal with, low maintenance for sure. Thanks.

  26. try spreading moth balls around the garden

  27. try feeding them! i tried this and it worked out great. find out where they are coming from, hopefully away from your garden, and put out a supply of food for them. if they have food they wont tend to bother the garden so much. also you can try putting out clippings of human, there has been good success doing this.

  28. get a Basset Hound – they love to chase rabbits, they were bred for rabbit hunting, but you dont have to shoot the little critters – but if you have rabbit problem, i’m sure there’s a lonely, lovable little basset hound out there who would love to be your buddy!!!

  29. Human hair from the local barber and some frozen pie tins strung to a stick for noise will work for a while…it’s up to the rabbits how long. Some of them get pretty fearless.

    If you have snails bait them with beer and also side dressing your plants with clean broken eggshells will feel like glass to snails and slugs.

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