Tomato TREES! What’s Growing,What’s Not, How to String Trellis Tomatoes, & The Subscriber Contest

I’ve got the first greenhouse raised another 5 feet, I’ve started trellising tomatoes & peppers (I’ll also show you how I’m doing it without cages), we’ll to…
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Question by slayer: What is a simple vegan recipe using lots of tomatoes and eggplant?
Our home grown tomatoes are in excess amounts and our eggplants are going well too but they need to be used so I’m wanting a simple vegan recipe to use them. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Mini Lover
ratatouille, parmesian-with soy cheese, italian dishes- sauces, soups

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Thanks for the info – always appreciate your knowledge!

  2. Tomatoes don’t like to have their roots wet all the time. Depending on temps, humidity, and soil moisture, you can go 2-3 days between watering. Too much water will cause blossom end rot (they won’t be able to take up consistent calcium) and it will also become a breeding ground for nematodes.

    Now when the heat wave hits of course, the watering schedule changes because the soil will dry out much faster. 😉

  3. I am following your advice and pruning the lower branches and suckers. Your toms look so great! I just can’t figure out why a few of my plants have the leaf curl and are keeling over. No rainy weather – maybe too much watering?

  4. Thanks Kim. The suckers on indeterminate tomatoes take energy that can go to your tomatoes and direct it into new growth stems. I go through once or twice a week and check for them. Leaf curl can occur with periods of cool, rainy weather. It cause the lower leaves to roll upward and become thick and leathery. That in and of itself shouldn’t hurt production and requires no treatment unless you see blight or some other pathology entering at the leaf. Herbicides used nearby can cause it too.

  5. Hey Reaganite – loved the tour – your garden looks fabulous. Especially liked your demo on pruning the tomatoes. I know some say prune – some say don’t prune. I’d love to see a more detailed vid on this and why you do it. How do you keep up on all those tomato plants? some of my toms are getting leaf curl. Do you know how to prevent it? I’ve got to get my postcard in to you so I can get in on the giveaway! Thanks for all the great info – always a help to me on my channel! CaliKim

  6. Thanks Reaganite for all the great info!!! Great videos! It’s all such a great help!!!

  7. Thanks again. !! Most folks would know to do that. All this super info is new to me. I reeely appreciate the google tip. Have a good one.

  8. That information should be either on your seed packet or plant tag. If you know the variety you can also google it for the information.

  9. Mee again. Thanks so much for the previous info about spanking and bees. Also. How do you know if the tomatoe is a determinate or indeterinate. How would i know to desucker ??

  10. Thank you very much.

  11. You’ve got such great idea’s, and your video’s are such a pleasure to watch :)

  12. Great job ! There a new girl that is doing YouTube and she’s doing the trifecta experiment from migardener ,  maybe you could throw her a little support her way. She’s doing a nice job. Her acc is…. RescueDogTreats

  13. Yes ma’am, they were calling for severe weather for Friday back on Monday.

  14. awesome job mate, also thanks for pointing out what a sucker was, im very very new to this gardening thing so i had no idea what a sucker was

  15. Hi Mr R. Sure hope yr looking at yr weather maps.. Your about o get hit with a good storm. Brace yourself and tie down the hatches. . 5/9/13

  16. Thanks Clint.

  17. Of course. I also sprayed apple juice on all of my blossoms just last night :-)

  18. Determinant tomatoes are only going to produce a certain amount of tomatoes. They tend to bush out. If you cut suckers off of those, you might be reducing your tomato total. Indeterminates will grow and grow all the way to frost and continually produce tomatoes until the plant croaks.

  19. Yep. This is the first year I’ve grown Rutgers and I’ve noticed that they are putting on sucker shoots and I don’t want to cut those off, lest I whack potential tomatoes 😉

  20. Wow! That’s a lot of work. Looking good man. Keep it up. Nice video. :)

  21. Nice video. Thank you

  22. Determinate tomatoes will grow and stop without vining. Indeterminate will grow and grow with lots of vines.

  23. oh also ,what did you mean my determinant and non determinant tomato plants?

  24. you spanking the tomatoes yet?

  25. Thanks much!

  26. Tomato and eggplant salad – chop them up, serve on a bed of lettuce with the dressing of your choice. Or you could use could make eggplant parmesan using vegan parmesan and make the sauce from the tomatoes.

  27. ratatouille


    diced eggplant and tomato, roasted in the oven with chickpeas, olive oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasonings
    Just mix diced eggplant and tomatoes with canned chickpeas, olive oil and the spices, put in a baking dish, and bake at 400ºF until the eggplant is tender. Eat on its own, or with some pasta.

  28. OMG
    I wish I was you,
    I just made Ajvar and I was like “Man, I could use a lot more eggplants right now”
    It’s sold in Russian food stores. It’s a savory, yummy, veggie charred-tasting spread that last a good while in the fridge. Replace red peppers with tomatoes.
    You can also just broil the eggplants and eat them with a dash of sea salt and olive/sunflower seed oil.

  29. Tomato and eggplant soup. They taste well together in a soup, along with onions and garlic and herbs and seasonings.

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