Tomato volunteers growing with citrus tree in old concrete irrigation pipe

Tomato volunteers growing with citrus tree in old concrete irrigation pipe

Gotta love the volunteer tomatoes! Here is some video of our two lemon trees which have volunteer tomatoes growing very well in with them in their old concre…
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  1. I’d be scared to do that with my meyer lemon tree, but yours is awesome!

  2. @DesertStateAgent haha yeah I bet you are right!

  3. @commando602 I picked it up on craigslist and bolted it on the old metal
    milk can. Ilove the look of the old milk cans and a stool was the perfect
    combo of both items in the garden. Congrats on the new home; the shooting
    drove you out of that sundance place huh? don’t blame ya. Have fun out in
    that new yard!

  4. cool, I’ll check it out :) they are great plants!!

  5. @TheVbird420 hey thanks! Don’t be too envious as it’s a lot of work with
    out very short season…high temps wreck havoc on gardens and the winters
    can be extreme as well. I’m envious of So. Cal gardeners, lol seems like
    you can’t go wrong out that way, but I’love it here in the desert…love
    the challenge and trial & error :)

  6. Very cool! I love companion planting. Im so envios of your growing season.

  7. thanks! but why would you be scared? I don’t use any special fert.’s or
    anything like that, just organic sprays and compost, compost teas that I
    would do to either if they were growing a part from each other. it’s fun :)

  8. Thats awesome man how long did you put the old tomatoes in there?

  9. @GrowSomethingGreen The citrus was planted around sept./oct., so once the
    weather got a little warmer they took off. I have pile of good soil where
    we add tomatoes all the time. I don’t let it compost per say and kill the
    seeds with heat since I like the look of a wild tomatoe patch thing lol

  10. Where did ya get the tractor seat? – Those tomatoes look awesome! I have to
    start all over again with my garden after selling the old house and buying
    this one in Westpark….I’ll be working in my backyard all weekend.

  11. @DesertStateAgent thank you :) I reallylove seeing it when I’m out there.
    Can’t wait for the flowers!

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