TomatoFest Organic Tomato Seeds pt 5

Gary Ibsen’s TomatoFest® presents delicious homegrown heirloom tomatoes. Part 5: Black Cherry Organic Heirloom Tomato The only round, truly black cherry tomato we’ve found. Fruits…

Question by Allina C: Why did this Cherry tomatoes taste so bad?
I just bit into a cherry tomato i don’t think it was that ripe yet and it tasted and smelled like pure vinegar. Why do these taste like that?
oh gross it was spoiled lol. I spit that out right away and rinsed my mouth, yes it was a verrrrrry nasty surprise.

Best answer:

Answer by MMMMM
It sounds to me like it had fermented and was spoiled. What a nasty surprise!

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Isis Candy Cherry Tomato
Cherry Tomato
Image by statelyenglishmanor
I cannot wait to stop buying cherry tomatoes.

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1 Comment

  1. they taste like that cause they are not fully grown or you took to long to pick them. if you bought them from a store then they were stale or way to fresh. sounds weird but true.

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