Training Tomatos: How to String Up Tomato Plants

How I train my Tomatoes A YouTube channel for locating pre-screened Creative Commons Music, Royalty-Free Music Title: Banana Moonshine (Creative Commons musi…
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Question by Artie J: Do deers eat tomato plants?
i just plnted some tomato plants and i have a deer problem around my house and i was wondering if deers eat tomato plants.

Best answer:

Answer by honeyswife
Deer will pretty much eat anything! I would put a tall wire fence just around the plants or try putting moth balls around the perimeter to keep them away.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



  2. Great trellis idea!

  3. We do lots of canning. What I have come up with. It takes about 4 good
    plant, per every 1 family member of the house. Just to make it to the end
    of the next years harvest. That does not include what you eat during the
    growing season. I have 5 in the house, and one that moved on his own, and
    he still love’s his veggies. Thanks for watching.

  4. Awesome idea on trellis. Plants are looking good .

  5. Looking good! Got a pet bird eh? I like the way you strung the tomatoes.

  6. Rope them maters….

  7. He was. He stayed there for like 3 or 4 hours

  8. Haven’t seen that way before. Pretty good idea. You must really like
    tomatoes. I’ve been using more because I have vegetable soup for lunch most
    days now. I just have 4 plants this year, which is more than I can eat off
    the vine.

  9. Thanks bro!

  10. Oh I know, that’s good stuff.


  12. Oh yeah. The bird looked like he was “FRIED” lol

  13. Lemme see. I hit like, but is it black or green? Oregon :b: Spent 20+years
    there. Natural State!

  14. Thank’s

  15. Bird shit is great fertilzer! High in phosphorus

  16. Those tomatoes will be happy to find those lines there but they will never
    give the first thought about how it is they came to be there. So it is the
    young and the old, but let us go run some more lines, eh amigo? 😀 Best
    thing we can do. Like its ordained we do so, pave the way for the younuns
    pal. :b:

  17. Thanks. The bird left after about 4 hours. He sat and watched me the whole
    time he was there.

  18. love the music! awesome!!

  19. YES

  20. tomato plants are poisonous to everyone who eats them. Only the tomato can be eaten

  21. If they do they’d probably die… they might step on them though…

  22. The only thing I have seen deer learn to avoid was daffodils, which are extremely poisonous in all parts. They will eat just about anything, and down to the ground. Often, what they don’t eat is so trampled on that there isn’t much left. We had a garden in a highly populated deer area and found that a tall fence with lots of stakes inside the garden seemed to keep th deer out most of the time. We had a five foot woven wire fence with two strands of wire above it (6+ ft. total) while the stakes made jumping the fence an inhospitable landing ground. Many in our area also tied pie tins to string to discourage them by the movement and sound. Human hair tied in bags (those plastic woven kind onions come in) sometimes works too as does the hair spread around the garden. Go to a barbershop or beauty saloon and ask for some sweepings.
    There is also a product you can get at some garden centers that is called something like zoo poo, it’s from lions and wolves and is supposed to keep deer and other animals out, though I think it’s expensive. Other than that you can try various deer repellents, some of which have a nasty odor.

  23. u cant spell

  24. I don’t know if they will eat the plants but they will eat the tomatoes.

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