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Question by nsgrace: Can a potato plant cross with a tomato plant?
At least 2 of my potato plants have something growing at the top of the plant that really look a whole lot like the green cherry tomatoes growing close by them. I have never seen anything like this before but this is probably my second (if not the third) time I am growing potatoes. Anybody ever heard or seen of any potato plants bearing fruit like this? Are they baby potatoes? Or did my plants hybrid?

Best answer:

Answer by gardengallivant
This is the normal fruit for a potato (Solanum tuberosum). It may be your previous plantings were not fertilized or were infertile hybrids between Solanum tuberosum with different size genomes so failed to grow fruit.

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) do not hybridize with the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as they belong to separate subgenera in the Solanum genus.

Look near the bottom of this page for images of fruit on a potato plant and compare them to the fruit from related Solanum species on the page

The fruit is not a potato because the potato is a stem tuber. They are a modified portion of the underground base of a stem that is enlarged to store starch for future growth and has ‘eyes’ for future growth.

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. What you are seeing is the fruit of a potato plant. Don’t eat the fruits as they are poisonous! There have been experiments in which cells of potatoes and tomatoes were fused together. The resulting plants produced tomatoes as well as potatoes. However the tomatoes were inedible and the potatoes were very small. It was not a successful hybridization!

  2. Actually,
    Tomato’s,Potatoes.Peppers. Eggplants, Night shade are the same family of plants.
    When a potato flowers and then the fruit ripens from the flower you get something that looks like its cousins. pepper, tomato,egg plant , night shade.

    It is simply fruit of the potato plant, probably last years crop.
    This is one small reason for crop rotation

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