Vampires On Tomato Juice – Kyle – Mr ByeByeCopyright – Metal

Band: Vampires On Tomato Juice (a.k.a VOTJ) Song: Kyle Genre: Metal *If you use this song in any of your videos, you MUST put the following in the descriptio…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by My Alias: What are your favorite non-alcoholic drinks while flying?
I love beer of course, but when they cost $ 7.00 for a can, I take the free stuff offered. I love drinking in this order,

Tomato juice
Sparkling water/Seltzer
Plain water

What drinks do other folks enjoy up in the air?

Best answer:

Answer by Wookie
Soda of some sort.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Sodas

  2. Nothing, it’ll come back out.

    I get airsick.

  3. I enjoy seltzer and white wine. On the airline I usually fly on, wine is free. I only have half a glass though. My flights are usually very long (10 hours) so I might have coke or sprite. Juice and plain water are fine too. It just depends what mood I’m in.

  4. I always buy fruit drink after I get past security. I can’t taste much at 30,000+ feet.

    I once drank a can of cola but it tasted like fizzy water so I never bothered again.

  5. Canada Dry Ginger Ale

  6. I stick to Orange juice and Water I don’t drink tea or coffee or booze on the plane when travelling over time zones. The however is that one airline we fly with going down south offers champagne flights I usually get a bottle of OJ at the airport and make mimosas. Just to get the holiday started you understand 😉

  7. I either go tomato juice, orange juice or bottled water. You want to make sure you keep yourself well-hydrated.

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