Vampires On Tomato Juice – kyle (sub español)

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Question by MstgYKR: What is the best way to remove the scent of a skunk from my dog?
She got sprayed right on top of the head. I was told tomato juice but she is a Chow with real thick hair. She stays inside so I need the easiest ,cleanest and fastest way possible.

Best answer:

Answer by New Dad
Still, tomato juice….LOTS of it.

Also, if you live near pine trees, the sap will be removed by washing with milk….*yep* milk–cuts right through it and the stains as well

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Stand her in the tub and bathe her well in tomato juice… it’s time-honored and it works! Let her stay wet with it as long as you can manage, them shampoo her clean and dry her off and you’re all set.

  2. i vote the tomatoe juice.

  3. the tomato juice is the only thing i know of. only thing that i have ever heard of too

  4. Tomato juice really doesn’t work. My vet told us that Skunk off is the only thing that works…. and yes, the smell was pretty much gone after a couple of washings. The Tomato juice just made more of a messy I thought. Good luck!

  5. Skunk Odor Remover – courtesy of the CWRA
    1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
    1/4 cup baking soda
    1 teaspoon of any liquid dish or laundry detergent – Dawn recommended
    Use this to bathe the dog with. Just mix the ingredients together and apply onto the pet as needed while the solution is actively foaming. Massage in. Leave on 5-10 minutes (as long as you can get the dog to hold still) then rinse thoroughly.
    A couple of things….This deodorizer cannot be stored. Discard any unused portion. Also, don’t wear any metallic jewelry while using this mixture. It can cause a skin reaction in some people. Finally, black dogs may acquire interesting rust-colored highlights from this remedy. Sort of a California Surfer Dog look…

  6. you want Melaleuca oil (tee tree oil) If you know anyone who shops with the Melaleuca Wellness Company have them order you something called Sol U Mel

  7. Try generic tomato juice or you can buy a special product to help cure the stench. You can buy the product in the form of spray or shampoo. You will probably have the most luck finding it at Petco or Pet-smart.

  8. Wash eyes with warm boric acid solution, then wash the dog completely in tomato juice or soup. Let the tomato juice remain in the coat for bout 20 min. Then wash your dog with a dog shampoo.

  9. Tomato juice is actually not really effective. Basically, only wash the affected area. If you wash the entire body, it may just spread the skunk’s spray oils all over the dog’s body. You can use dog shampoo, and wash the area that was sprayed first. Then you can use skunk odour remover products you should be able to buy in a pet store. There’s also another home remedy that you could try on the source website, but it can apparently be explosive.

    I had a dog that was sprayed by a skunk, and we used tomato juice. All it did was make my dog smell like tomato juice and skunk. It wasn’t very effective.

    Good luck!

  10. a tub full of tomato juice, s’what my momma always told me……i don’t really know why tho…….

  11. My chow got sprayed and the only thing we finally did was to shave her fur. It was summer, so she was okay. It came back in time for the winter.

  12. I would try rubbing baking soda in her hair and work it in real well. Take cheap vinegar and let it foam up and work that into the hair. Rinse really well. Skunk spray is oily so the soda and vinegar break it down really well.
    The other day my dog rolled in something disgusting out in the field near my home and regular shampoo makes her sick, so i tried this method of cleaning and it worked for her. The reason I tried this is because I make a lot of salsas in the summer from my garden. Jalapenos have oil that is very hot on the skin. I use baking soda and vinegar to wash my hands after handling so many (hot) peppers and pealing so much pungent garlic and it works.

  13. Shoot the dog ,and bury it!, I always do.

  14. tomato juice.

    get tons of cans, take out the juice and and put it in one of those plastic 10$ pools and give him a bath in it.

  15. Go to “Mythbusters”, as they found something better than tomato juice (but I can’t remember!)

  16. I was sprayed by a skunk once. Really disgusting.
    I did sit in a bath tub fill to the brim with tomato juice. i even went completely under and held my breath. i laid in that tomato juice filled tub for over an hour. but it worked.
    thanks for the memories.

  17. Hydrogen peroxide 50/50 with water and Dawn dish soap. Wash with the soap…then rinse with the other….wash then rinse. it is an oil so Dawn is the absolute best. It is used on oil spill rescues (ducks, otters, etc.). My foxhound got spray then he got mad a murdered the skunk….I had a terrible mess on my hands, but that worked. An old vet told me that years ago. And Peroxide is cheap enough.

  18. Sorry hon, not going to happen. There is no way you’re going to get out of having to use the tomato juice. That is the only way.

  19. *Petco offers a De-Skunk bath. I think it runs for $ 20-$ 25.

    Good luck.

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