Vampires On Tomato Juice – Roads [Reverse]

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Question by Sandra: What takes the smell of cat urine out of fabrics?
One of my cats got a bug up its rear and peed on my bed. Urrrrrhhhhhh. Its a wonder why I haven’t shot the thing yet :-/

Anyway what will get the smell out of the blankets? Vinegar? Tomato juice? Anything? HELP!!

Best answer:

Answer by tims_1981
Get one of those enzyme spray cleaners.

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  1. try some fabreze and they make it now into the laundry soap

  2. ok, i’m sure someone will provide you with a less expensive home remedy type answer BUT you actually can buy this Urine-begone stuff from the Sharper Image. Its a solution that removes animal urine smell, both from fabrics you can wash and from your home or car in general.

    You prolly don’t want to pay for that crap BUT i actually saw it and only remembered (being that my only pet is a fish) it because of the name. Can you really put urine in the product title?

  3. Soak the spot and rub in baking soda. Let dry. Wash in the washing machine. If this doesnt work there is a product called Odormute that can usualy be found in a pet store. If they dont have this particular brand, a pet store will have some product to deal with the smell. I have always used the baking soda and it has worked.

  4. If it’s a male cat you should have him neutered before he makes it a habit. Try washing the fabric with Fabreeze added to your laundry detergent. There is also a product called Urine Off that may work. I have three cats and go through this quite often.

  5. rinse with lemon juice & water, or spray fabreeze and you can also use citrus oil spray if all else fails.

  6. Flame

  7. try Febreze for pets

  8. my cat was neutered when he was six months old, likes to pee right in front of the door, this stuff called Zero Odor, I tried all of them, and I have a mini steam cleaner that I use the next day or so then spray it on again

  9. Just wash them in the washer, if your washer is not big enough, take it to the laundry mat they usually have commerical size there that will hold a king size comforter set. If it soaked through to your mattress just mix some pinesol water and srcub it witha scrub brush… but regular washing detergent will get out the smell. My cat did that to me one time, because she didn’t like someone I had in my house.

  10. kill the cat, burn the blankets

  11. Awwh Poor kitty!!!
    Is this common?
    Your cat may have a urinary problem, ask your vet.
    OR, your cat might be mad because the litter box is dirty or too far away.
    Either way, verbal or physical abuse is not encouraged, speak kindly to your cat, he/she may have a medical problem, and all your doing is traumatizing your cat by being angry & frustrated.
    Cats have the intelligence of a 4 year old.
    Pay more attention to your pet, and find out the problem, because there obviously is one.
    Heal with love & compassion.

  12. Natures Miracle! It is great! And it is an enzyme cleaner…you can find it at any pet supply store…directions are on the bottle

  13. Add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. This should absorb the smell.

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