vegetable garden |tomato | garden | plants | tomato plants | tomatoes | growing tomatoes | tomatoe Growing Tomato Plants book gives useful advice to both the home gardener and thos…

Question by isabelledustylo: What kinds of plants can I grow in pots on my porch?
I’d like to grow some plants to use in the kitchen. I can put them in pots on the (very sunny) porch. I know I can grow tomatoes relatively easily, and probably strawberries, but what else will do well in a pot?

Best answer:

Answer by Raven
most herbs, lettuce and spinach work well, onions and garlic too, beans, and even cucumbers (if u have someplace for them to spread out). just make sure they are well watered. best of luck. oh and chives 2.

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  1. Try salad pots just sow seeds water and harvest

  2. Acorn squash;
    Sweet peppers;
    Hot peppers.

  3. As long as your porch gets at least 6 hours of sunlight daily, you can grow a wide variety of vegetables in pots – onions, lettuce, peppers, peas, carrots, herbs and bush varieties of green beans, zucchini, summer squash, acorn squash, butternut squash. Just make sure the pots are large enough for the veggies you want to grow – carrots require a deeper pot than green beans or lettuce. Also make sure that your pots have adequate holes for drainage.

    The following link has lots of good tips and advice for planting, watering, fertilizing and harvesting a wide variety of vegetables in both container and regular gardens. Good luck!

  4. Check out this website on Vegetable Gardening in Containers.

  5. I can’t believe two people recommended growing acorn squash which have 10 feet or longer vines! Think logically and grow relatively short and stable plants that don’t need support. The most critical thing that people forget is that a pot of soil on a sunny porch will get extremely hot and dry quickly. Also the darker the pot the more heat it will absorb. I watched a neighbor struggle to keep her flowers going in this situation with daily watering and they still died off early.

    Only grow greens in the early spring in pots. Peppers, eggplant and broccoli are good choices. Depending on the pot size you could pull off a couple beets, short carrots, or onions.

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