Vegetable Series: Tomato Hanging Baskets and Trailing Tomato Arrangements

Visit us at: Tomatoes, tomatoes… Just like how there are numerous types of tomatoes, there are also numerous ways to plant tomat…

Question by Christian: Is it a good time to start tomato from seeds?
A few questions guys!! I have just saved tomato seeds from cherry tomatoes, and the normal tomato. 1)But they are from the store will they germinate and produce fruit? 2) If they can grow, is it a good time to start, they are dried already. I live in NYC, Ny zone 5. So should i waste my time trying to grow em from seed or should i buy some from the store. (buying from store is last option)

Best answer:

Answer by oakhill
Tomatoes take about 40 days from seeding to time of transplanting. Check the expected last frost date for NYC and start the seeding 40 days earlier. The saved seeds should grow, but if they were hybrids, the fruit from the new crop may not look like the original tomatoes.

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  1. The Red Robin is an upright bush tomato plant and would not touch the ground if it is growing in a pot. But the Tumbler tomato is a trailing plant and would touch the ground as it grows. Happy gardening, Bianca

  2. Hi, nice video!!!! it seems as if the bucket has a supporting structure for the plant,does it really have it? and if so, is it necessary? I would like to grow them in pots similar to the one in your video on the ground, do you think they are dwarf enough to avoid touching the soil?

  3. Thank you so much for your support! We really appreciate it and we’re so glad the videos have been useful for you 😀

  4. you guys deserve moreeeee viewers. You know what..i’am going to share your videos :)

  5. Tomatoes and when to start planting the seeds? Plant the seeds 8 weeks before its time to put them into your garden…..cover them with a sheet of plastic or “garden cloth” that you can buy at a growers market, in case of a last minute frost. That’s what I’m doing right now…….If they don’t grow for you, you will still have time to get them from the nursery……

  6. Spend the dollar seventy five for a pack of seeds. Just about all the tomatoes from the supermarket are hybrid, and if they produce at all you won’t be happy with the fruit. For zone five, now is a perfect time to start your plants in doors.

  7. its always better to buy them then you don’t waste your time. i live in ontario and have already started my plants indoors. if you want a good tomato thats not a hybrid try to find what they call a heritage tomato

  8. Go to a good nursery and pick up some heirloom plants for this year and you will have good seeds for the future. That’s if you want to keep this up every year. Eastern European types like Black Krim are good for an area with a short growing season.

    Usually the offspring of a hybrid plant are not too much like the plant itself. I had one volunteer from a hybrid seed that produced the most beautiful tomatoes you every saw–and they had no flavor.

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