Vodka Tomato Pasta Part II

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Question by : Is pasta good with tomato soup if there is no other option?
I have a friend of crystal’s over this am and she wants pasta for lunch but we are out of spaghetti sauce from a big dinner the other night but have lots of pasta left and was wondering if tomato soup would work

has anyone ever tried it
Thanks! With rice- my mom use to do that- she had 5 kids to feed so it filled us up more- I will try that thanks!
a prosie- did you even try it on pasta? a simple no is not a answer LOL- go into more detail if you actually tried it please tell me why you say no

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
Of course- if you like tomato soup it is great used in casseroles etc.. I use it on rice also

and used it on pasta a few times and it taste great

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. no

  2. Tomato soup will work fine for a sauce! You might want to add some spices or veggies to it, too, like rosemary, oregano,pepper, basil, ect. You can saute an onion and some garlic then add it to the soup, too. Some veggies that you can add are diced(cooked or frozen) carrots, frozen veggies, green or other peppers, mushrooms. Your choices are endless!

    Good luck!

  3. Is this canned soup? You can spoon it onto the pasta directly out of the can, and mix it in. It’ll taste something like Spaghetti-O’s. It’s not haute cuisine but it’s oddly tasty.

  4. I use tomato juice, it heats right up as soon as I mix it in with the pasta and I love it :)

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