What is Eating My Tomato Plant- One Culprit

Tomato Hornworm, which is actually a moth caterpillar emerges from the ground early in the season, and makes his way up young (in this case) tomato plants, d…
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Question by Lisa: where can i find the topsy turvy tomato plant?
does anyone know in what store i could possibly find the topsy turvy tomato plant?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
Walmart but ill tell you now i work at a hardware/ garden store and there has never been anything good said about those things.

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1 Comment

  1. There’s no need to go searching for a specific “Topsy Turvy upside down tomato plant”. That’s just a marketing ploy. The truth is that any tomato will become a topsy turvy tomato plant if it’s planted upside down, and it doesn’t matter if you use an official Topsy Turvy planter or a homemade planter.

    I’ve made my own in the past out of plastic five gallon buckets and planted several different varieties of tomatoes in them, and peppers as well. The results are always the same… they grown down and then up just like the “miraculous” plants you see on TV or in advertisements.

    Just go find whatever type of tomato you like the best and plant it in your Topsy Turvy planter and the next thing you know you’ll have a topsy turvy tomato plant. =)


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