What the fuck is tomato juice

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Question by ro: What is a good , simple way to store fresh tomato juice from my container tomatoes using my vacuum sealer?
Then freeze the bags ,so it will be drinkable in December , February , even April if possible ….. I think that the seeds and skin ( and pulp .. ? ) should be left out ……. although , I like orange juice with lots of pulp ………Since watering 2 – 3 times every day , etc etc since April …. I want to make the most of them …. too many to eat now …just squeeze the juice out through a simple sieve or collander ( not a juicer -).. ?… put a little lemon juice in each bag , a lemon peel .. ? … boil first then refrigerate and then vac seal and freeze to counter bacteria and / or enzymes from spoiling taste .. ? … have seen that to remove skin boil 30 -60 secs then in ice water & they peel off easy ………….. for good reply thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Mama Mia
Phew, sounds like a lot of extra work taking the skins and seeding it all.
I have an extractor juicer, that turns my garden tomatoes into tomatoe juice. I then put it in a plastic container and freeze the juice. When it is frozen, I then use my vacuun sealer, then put it back in the freezer.
Options I have with an extractor are: carrots, celery and tomato juice. Apple and carrot juice….and the list goes on.

Maybe use a blender, then strain out the skin and seed pulp.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Reading your question is almost impossible. Why did you write it that way? Plain sentences and paragraphs are far more comprehensive.

    Anyway, I put stuff in the sealer bags, and stand them up in a small square pan, like a loaf pan. Put that in the freezer and when the contents are frozen, you can vacuum seal them.

    Peel your tomatoes over a colandar. Cut them in half and squeeze out the inside and seeds into the colander Put the tomato flesh in a sauce pan.

    Bring the tomatoes and whatever juice collected under the colander to a boil, add a dash of salt and simmer for at least 10 minutes. At this point you can add diced celery, green pepper, onion – whatever you want. Then put that, in the blender and process for a couple minutes. You will have thick juice. Put it in your vac bags, freeze, then vacuum seal.

  2. Blanch them, peel them cut into pieces and cook for about 5 minutes. Then put them through a food mill. Put all the leftover pulp and seeds into a small pot with a little water. Bring to a boil, simmer for a few minutes, then drain through a cheesecloth lined sieve. That way, you get all the flavor from all the scraps you will eventually discard.

    Mix the cooked liquid with the thick sauce from the food mill, heat to 212 degrees, then put in containers to freeze.

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