Why do so many people order tomato juice on airline flights?

Why do so many people order tomato juice on airline flights? Answer in the comments–Subscribe to share your answers!

Question by naserq22: After two sessions of discussions Is the chocolate allowed to Gaza?
Misters team headed by PM were meeting for two successive sessions in two days ,some released news says that Tomato Juice and Mayonnaise are allowed but further studies to be held before chocolates and Juices are to be allowed

Best answer:

Answer by lexmlo
I think with the chocolate we’re going too far..you don’t want them to feel like Swiss citizens.
But I hear cola is now allowed..dangerous move by “Israel” there.most of the “rockets” thrown from Gaza are empty Coca cola cans.

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1 Comment

  1. Israel has to be sure that Palestinian Terrorists can’t make deadly weapons out of Chocolate and juices.

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