Worlds Smallest Tomato Plants Micro Toms Are Amazing!

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Question by AznPandaNinja: What will happen to my tomato plant if it’s pot to small?
I was just wandering if I can just pot my tomato plant in a big pot will I have to repot it?? Also if I don’t repot it what will happen, and will it die if the pot gets to small.

Best answer:

Answer by Andrew M
not for a while. but it could. it needs space to spread it roots so re pot it. it’s simple and easy. 😉

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. They’re so cute! I want some now

  2. They sure are Fun!

  3. These are so fantastic! We are definitely going to have to try growing some of these.

  4. Thanks

  5. Too cool lady, what the heck are those little guys lol! GReat work on the production, they must love the soil mix! Thanks for sharing!

  6. you are welcome!

  7. I wanna try those!! Thanks for sharing and take care-Debbie

  8. I started 24 Tiny Tim’s too! The are doing great! Thanks

  9. I grew a Tiny Tim this year from seed. It’s about twice the sized of those Micro Tom you have, still very small. It produced over 40 tomatoes I was amazed, a few tomatoes were pretty big. It was cute, it kind of looked like a mini Bonsai tree. However, we were not impressed by the flavor nor the texture. My Husky Tomato tasted much better. In the end the Tiny Tim had the last laugh, one cherry tomato fell on the ground and I have a second plant. Lol May try Micro Tom next year for fun.

  10. E bay, Amazon!

  11. Micro BLT!

  12. You can make a micro sandwich with it.

  13. Where do you get the seeds for the Micro Toms?

  14. Thanks!

  15. Now that is interesting :) can’t wait to hear how it tasted

  16. If you were a baby and lived in a small box, eventually you will grow out of that box, just like that tomato plant of yours will grow out of that pot. Try to put it in a bigger pot, so you won’t have to do when it’s roots have already spread :)

  17. you can grow tomatoes in Big pot plants, it just won’t give you as much or bigger fruitage as if it was in a garden.

  18. It will get root bound. Tomato plants have long long roots.

  19. Hi Kevin

    Yes you can just plant your tomato in a big pot and no you will not have to repot it if it is a large enough pot to start with. The bigger the pot the better it is.

    Small pots have a few problems.

    They are too small for the plant so it gets root bound and doesn’t grow properly
    Tomatoes require full sun and small pots dry out too fast. With a small pot you will have to water every day and sometimes twice a day in hot weather.
    The fertilizer leaches out of the soil from watering so much so you have to fertilize more often or use water soluble fertilizer very often.
    Wind blows them over because the tomatoes get large and the pot isn’t heavy enough to keep from tipping over.

    Hope this helps

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