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Question by patch55: What are some newer films I can watch with my Grandma?
I’m looking for some films I can watch with my Grandma, we’ve seen most of the classics like Gone with the Wind and Singing in the Rain but we’ve also watched films such as Forrest Gump and Fried Green Tomatoes. So I’m wondering what are some newer films that we could watch? Preferably made after 2000. But when suggesting please make sure the film doesn’t containt a lot of sex, violence, or cursing. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Shell B
steel magnolias is an all time classic also a league of their on thats older movies though..umm the notebook is sweet and so is a walk to remember hope i helped

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. A Taste of Shannah

  2. Kung fu panda, um….. Bee movie, and a whole lot more. Try googling ;]

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