Zucchini Green Beany Soup Recipe, with tomatoes | xoxo cooks ep. 8

An easy and delicious recipe using zucchini, beans, greens, and tomatoes–things we have lots of from our CSA in August. View the complete recipe on xoxocook…

Question by mistaked: Low calorie vegetable broth without tomatoes?
I love my veggies, but not tomatoes !
What veggie(s) should I use to make a broth for vegetable soup? Adding a little salt is fine, but I want to use this to help lose weight. A more detailed soup recipe is great, too.

Best answer:

Answer by Terry J
use lots of root vegetables, it is Winter, after all. Carrots, rutabaga’s, Parsnips, turnips, celery root……. Add some green beans, Mexican sweet corn, and Chinese snow peas, sliced or shredded. Start with vegetable stock, canned, or with just water. Add celery, garlic, onion, and young potatoes.

There is nothing wrong with the canned vegetable stock or concentrated stock, like Campbells. A nice addition for winter soups is barley. It is thick, and chewy.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. We served it with corn on the cob from our CSA and pumpernickel bread from
    our bread machine.

  2. What did you serve this with? I couldn’t tell but it looked good. Also – a
    Kirk cameo?

  3. If only someone (+Adrienne Stortz) could find the share on Google+ button
    on the YouTube page, we all could subscribe via Plus and watch her weekly
    cooking show.

    Complaining aside, *let’s have Zucchini Green Beany Soup*

  4. squash is a good base for soup.
    potato is also good.

  5. Save all of your veggie peelings and trimmings for a week. (Be sure to wash the vegetables before you peel and trim them.) Keep the papery skin from onions and garlic, potato peelings, carrot peels, the tips and tails from carrots, the eyes from potatoes, leeks, etc.

    Keep it in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer.

    On “soup day”, heat some oil (or cooking spray) in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add some smashed, unpeeled garlic cloves and stir until they start to brown and smell good. Add the rest of your veggies and stir around for awhile. Let them get a bit brown and make sure they’re all starting to get soft. Cover it all with boiling water. Toss in some seasonings (I use fresh thyme, whole black peppercorns, fresh parsley, and some fresh rosemary.) Bring it back to a boil, stir. Turn the heat down low and cover. Let it simmer for an hour or so. Taste the broth and add extras to make it more flavorful: some vinegar, some salt, some soy sauce… whatever. Pour broth through a colander (into a clean bowl or other stockpot) and press down on the solids to extract the liquids. Ta-da. You have broth. Taste again.

    Throw out the solids.

    Tips: avoid cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. Other overpowering veggies are celery, artichokes, asparagus, and leafy greens. Use sparingly.

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