Latest Posts Under: Tomato Plants

Garden of Eden raided, with bogas “drug” warrant, cops there for 10yrs destroying crops and stealing; in TEXAS. Good interview:… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by John: I see a few winged aphids on my tomato plants? What should I do? I find maybe 1 or 2 aphids per tomato plants. I have about 40. i planted mint and marigold next to them. I dont see any wingless aphids. Another strange thing is i transplated these tomatoes into the graden from the greenhouse 6 days ago. Please help me what i should do… Read Article →

Ever wondered how to grow a good tomato plant? Jim shows us how to grow tomato plants properly. If you’ve ever wondered why you get small fruit on your vines… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Lenae: How to save my tomato plant that broke off with tomatoes on it? I have a tomato plant that one of the branches snapped off right below where a big cluster of tomatoes are growing. I would like to save the tomatoes that are on it. The tomatoes are full size but are still a far way… Read Article →

Police Destroy Farm Mistake Tomato Plants for Marijuana. Sounds Like Monsanto Inspired. By Michael Allen, Thu, August 15, 2013 Several residents at the “Gard… Question by ~*Lizzie*~: I’ve been growing tomato plants, but some of their stems and leaf veins are turning purple? Some of the stems and veiwns of tomato plants that I’ve been growing are turning purple. I really want to know why that is and whether it’s a bad thing that they are turning purple. Best answer: Answer by CarrotI really think U shouldd get a new tamato plant but keep watering… Read Article →

An update on my Heirloom Tomatoes. I also show my Jalopino Pepper Plant and Tabasco Peppers as well as Hungarian Wax Pepper plants. I have a question about G… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Patricia: How much coffe grounds should I use to fertilize my tomato plants? My leaves are turning yellow so I think its lack of nitrogen so I’ve herd that using coffe grounds will help solve that problem. I have each tomato plant in its own 3 gallon bucket because I am moving to another house soon, so what I… Read Article →

After what seemed like forever, I finally got some tomato plants going in the new greenhouse. Starting them in growbags really speeds up the process. It was … Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by Duke#1: What is wrong with the stem of my tomato plant? There are these little things coming out of the stems of my tomato plants. They look like roots about as thick as a pencil tip. All of my leaves are wilting also. Any ideas on what this is? Best answer: Answer by seashellsTomato roots can grow all along the… Read Article →

Ugh. Despite my best efforts, fungus has taken over some of my tomatoes. Question by happydawg: Do those upside down tomato plants you hang up really make tomato’s? I watched a commercial yesterday and am thinking about buying one of those upside down tomato plant things to grow tomato’s this year like a hanging planter, but I have a feeling they may be a hoax. Does it really work? Best answer: Answer by CAHThey really do work. But my alternative to buying the ones from the store or online is I bought a cheap bucket… Read Article →

Please read the video disclaimer before undertaking tasks in this film: There is nothing more exciting than growing your o… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by Jo-Ann H: How many seeds do you put in each hole, in each pot for tomato plants? I’m want to pant tomato plant from seeds. How many seed go in each pot? Best answer: Answer by JimI would put 4 0r 5 seeds in each hole to make sure a plant will develop. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

This is what is eating your tomato plants. And putting big gaping holes in your tomatoes. Thus is a horn worm. And the cacoons are our friends that is killin… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by martha a: what bug killers are good for tomato plants? bugs keep eating up my tomato plants and i need something to make them stop its really anoying because i was so exited about my plants and now they’re getting eaten up PLEASE HELP! :- ) Best answer: Answer by Rich ZIt depends on what is eating them…. Read Article →

Trellis System for Hydroponic Tomato Plants. Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by purplecows500: Tiny red bugs on tomato plant? There are really tiny red bugs on my tomato plants. This is my first year having a garden so I’d like to get something out of it. I think these bugs are slowly chewing holes in the leaves. I think they might be mites. What can I do to get rid of them? Are there some home remedies, I’d rather not spray insecticides? They’re also spreading to my cucumber. Best answer: Answer by DKSounds like… Read Article →

In a previous video I showed you how to propagate a tomato plant while still attached to the “Mother Plant” by using a coke bottle and a water bottle. On thi… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by chanceysmama: Bottom leaves on my tomato plants are turning yellow and dying, It is also happening to a few of my okra plant The bottom leaves on my tomato plants are turning yellow and dying, the fruit seems not to be disturbed by this but it just keeps getting worse and moving up the plant. Some of… Read Article →

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