Question by linkin4113: How do you get rid of skunk smell? A skunk got under my tailer and sprayed land now it is all over my house. I know you can use tomato juice for your body but it is in my furniture, carpet, clothes, etc… Everything! What can I do other than try washing everything? Best answer: Answer by BRUCE CSkunk Smell Remover 1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide 1/4 cup Baking Soda 2 tbsp Dish Detergent. The stuff for washing dishes in the sink, not something for dishwashers. Mix the ingredients in a large… Read Article →
Posts Tagged: tomato
Tomato Soup 1lb Tomatoes 1 Onion 2 Cloves Garlic Water Half & Half Salt and Pepper Olive Oil Bazil (Fresh or Dried) I like to add Curry/Cumin Paprika Remove … Related Tomato Soup Articles
Randall M. Rueff & Donna J. Rueff – Green Tomato Casserole – 11-2-2010 A.D. (7)
Steve Pottinger present Half Japanese (budget) A quick approach to cheap, filling, and fresh meals! Get yourself away from those pre made dinners!! Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by -Honey-: Can some one answer these french cooking questions? 1. How many courses has a french menu got? 2. where does the best quality truffle come from? 3. What is the highest amount of michelin stars a chef can earn? 4. how many different ways of preparing food exist? 5. Where does the french cuisine have it’s roots? 6. who is known as the pope… Read Article →
Click here for the complete recipe: Take a closer look at 101 Stovetop Suppers cookbook here:… Find More Tomato Soup Recipe Articles Stefan Gates finds out what soup-in-a-cup makers really use to put the tomato flavour in powdered soup. Question by bob d: Can i make tomato soup with just ketchup, water and spices? I’m poor so I wanna steal ketchup from carl jr. and make tomato soup Best answer: Answer by ♪Msz. Nena♫Haha, nah. But if you do save up those ketchup packets you can save money! I read somewhere about this millionare who became a millionare because he cut back on so much stuff and collected ketchup packets, mustard packets, salt& pepper packets; from… Read Article →
Video Rating: 0 / 5 Question by Jessica S: how can i get my green tomatoes to turn red? my neighbors kids picked some green ones off the vines, and we dont like fried green tomatoes, but dont want them to go to waste! ive already tried putting them in my window, and putting in paper bags and newspaper and putting in a cool place, but it didnt work!! anybody got any more suggestions? something that will work please!!! Best answer: Answer by mentalvalor“If you find that your tomatoes fall off the vine, either knocked… Read Article →
This is an update of one of my Cherry Tomatoes that I sprouted from a clipping from a plant outside before the first frost. After transplanting, it grow 3 ti… Question by jocey-s: Does green liquid in between the seeds of a tomato mean its bad, or normal? A friend gave me some cherry tomatoes from her garden on Friday. I kept them in the fridge and cut them open today. Some are green on the inside. Does that mean they are bad, or that’s normal? Best answer: Answer by BettyIts fine… perfectly normal. A… Read Article →
Question by ash: what to get on sweet onion sandwich from subway? what are the best things to get on the sweet onion chicken teriyaki sandwich from subway? i’ve never had it, and am planning on trying it before class tonight for dinner but have no idea what to put on it! Best answer: Answer by LauraI would get swiss cheese, lettuce, onions, tomato, bell pepper, olives and salt and pepper. But that’s what I get on pretty much any sub. Just get the veggies you like. Add your own answer in the comments!
hehe. Question by AlfredAshford: If i pick pale red tomatoes, will they get more ripe if i let them sit in a bowl a few days? I picked a few perhaps a little too early by mistake.. and im wondering if they will get redder and less firm and perhaps sweeter if i let them sit in a bowl on my counter for a few days or a week or something.. anyone have any info on this? Best answer: Answer by josephrob2003yes, just leave them on a window ledge,we have all done it Add your… Read Article →