Posts Tagged: Plants

Ugh. Despite my best efforts, fungus has taken over some of my tomatoes. Question by happydawg: Do those upside down tomato plants you hang up really make tomato’s? I watched a commercial yesterday and am thinking about buying one of those upside down tomato plant things to grow tomato’s this year like a hanging planter, but I have a feeling they may be a hoax. Does it really work? Best answer: Answer by CAHThey really do work. But my alternative to buying the ones from the store or online is I bought a cheap bucket… Read Article → Growing Tomato Plants book gives useful advice to both the home gardener and thos… Video Rating: 0 / 5 Question by Mermaid: can I grow watermelons were I previously grew corn, bell peppers, and tomatoes the year before? I grow a garden every year. Next year I plan on only growing watermelon and pumpkins, however, this pass year I grew tomatoes, bell peppers, and corn in the plot. Will this cause a problem with my future watermelons? Also, has anyone used a drip system using plastic two liter bottles? How well did it do?… Read Article →

This is what is eating your tomato plants. And putting big gaping holes in your tomatoes. Thus is a horn worm. And the cacoons are our friends that is killin… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by martha a: what bug killers are good for tomato plants? bugs keep eating up my tomato plants and i need something to make them stop its really anoying because i was so exited about my plants and now they’re getting eaten up PLEASE HELP! :- ) Best answer: Answer by Rich ZIt depends on what is eating them…. Read Article →

Trellis System for Hydroponic Tomato Plants. Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by purplecows500: Tiny red bugs on tomato plant? There are really tiny red bugs on my tomato plants. This is my first year having a garden so I’d like to get something out of it. I think these bugs are slowly chewing holes in the leaves. I think they might be mites. What can I do to get rid of them? Are there some home remedies, I’d rather not spray insecticides? They’re also spreading to my cucumber. Best answer: Answer by DKSounds like… Read Article →

tomato plants. Question by The Rightwing Conservative: Why did Hussein Obama start his campaign in Bill Ayers’ living room? And furthermore, why did Hussein Obama start his car in Bill Ayers’ garage? Why did Hussein Obama start growing tomato plants in Bill Ayers’ garden? And why did Hussein Obama sign the START Treaty in Bill Ayers’ fallout shelter? Best answer: Answer by The ResistanceThey’re both pieces of crap. Ayers should be in prison. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

In a previous video I showed you how to propagate a tomato plant while still attached to the “Mother Plant” by using a coke bottle and a water bottle. On thi… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by chanceysmama: Bottom leaves on my tomato plants are turning yellow and dying, It is also happening to a few of my okra plant The bottom leaves on my tomato plants are turning yellow and dying, the fruit seems not to be disturbed by this but it just keeps getting worse and moving up the plant. Some of… Read Article → tomato plants, pruning tomato plants, how to prune tomato plants, tomato plants wilting, tomatos, growing p… Video Rating: 0 / 5 Find More Tomato Plants Articles

I DO NOT EDIT THIS FILM YOU CAN RE-GROW ANY VEGS YOU BUY I DID IT YOU NEED IS GOOD SUN AND WATER CHECK THE VIDEO OUT—(GROW IN POT’S) Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by LoveJesus: What is a yummy white sauce recipe or a brand of good white sauce to use instead of Tomato or Red Sauce? I LOVE Italian food. My Mom hates it because she hates red sauce. I hate alfredo sauce. She likes it. She also won’t eat a cheese sauce. I need a white sauce that might taste good… Read Article →

Tomato wires are rather expensive and u have to replace them every year. My tomato plants are growing great and I am not using wire at all! also, check out m… Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by Heisenberg: What size of planter box should I build? My girlfriend asked me to build a planter box for her. She would like to grow tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, garlic, and various herbs. She wants to grow all the things to make salsa. We live in southern new mexico in an area where the soil is pretty… Read Article →

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